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13 Signs that Prove it’s Love at First Sight

While it may seem like a fairy-tale, many people believe in the existence of love at first sight.

Love at first sight is a phenomenon that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people for generations.

It refers to the feeling of instant attraction and connection with someone upon first meeting them.

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While it may seem like a fairy-tale, many people believe in the existence of love at first sight. But the question remains, how can you tell if what you’re experiencing is truly love at first sight?

In this article, we’ll explore some of the signs that prove it’s love at first sight.

Signs that Prove it’s Love at First Sight

Here’s 15 Signs that prove it;

1. Your stomach drops

If you look at someone and you instantly fall in love, you’ll feel a rush of adrenaline. The release of adrenaline is accompanied by the familiar sensation of “butterflies in the stomach.”

And if it’s true love at first sight, those butterflies will be unlike any you’ve ever experienced before.

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This is because your mind and body are inextricably linked through your emotions. This explains why physical symptoms accompany emotional ones during times of heartbreak and first-impressions-based romantic attachment.

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2. You get really nervous

If you have ever experienced love at first sight, you know that it can cause irrational feelings of anxiety for no apparent reason.

One of the most obvious symptoms of love at first sight is a strong emotional reaction to the other person upon first sight.

Because you feel so sick, you can’t think straight and forget proper social manners. This person smacked you around more than you bargained for!


3. You feel like you’ve met them before

Love at first sight occurs when a person feels an overwhelming attraction to another person upon meeting them for the first time.

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Although you may have only just met, by the end of the night, it will feel as though you’ve known them for years.

You’ll treat this person as though you’ve known them forever, not as if it’s the first time you’ve seen them in a long time.

They feel so comfortable to you because your soul instantly recognized theirs.

If you want to know if love at first sight exists, the answer depends on how well you know the person.


4. You are compelled to talk to them

You not only have a strong intuition that you already know this person’s identity, but you also feel driven to seek them out and introduce yourself.

If you’re the kind of person who never introduces themselves to strangers, this could stand out.

If it’s love at first sight, you’ll feel an immediate, irresistible attraction to them. You don’t know why, but you feel compelled to approach them and strike up a conversation.

You can’t deny this as a sign of love at first sight.


5. They’re not your usual type

Even if we deny it, we all have a preferred “kind” of person. If you’ve ever experienced love at first sight, you know it can take you by surprise when the object of your affection turns out to be completely unlike anyone you’ve ever dated before. Perhaps you’re attracted to those with higher IQs, yet they’re the complete antithesis of you.

Sometimes our hearts choose for us. If you still doubt the reality of love at first sight, try dating someone who is completely different from your typical type. That’s a really strong indicator of love at first sight.

Not only will you feel drawn to them by some unseen force, but you’ll be baffled as to why—especially if they’re not your typical type.


6. You can’t stop thinking about them

If you’ve ever experienced love at first sight, thoughts of the person’s appearance, voice, and the possibility of future contact are continuously running through your head. It will make you feel like a teenager having your first crush.

For days, maybe weeks, they will be the only thing on your mind. If your feelings for them were truly unwavering, you might never be able to forget them.

One of the telltale indicators of love at first sight is being unable to stop thinking about them.


7. You genuinely want to know about their life

For what other reason would you wish to maintain such intimate knowledge? Because you can’t help but feel passionate about them.

If you truly want to connect with someone, you should know as much as possible about them. Although sexual attraction may be a part of this type of love, it need not be there from the start.

Understanding their background, interests, and upbringing is important to you.

To feel love like this makes you want to learn everything you can about the person you love.


8. You find them really attractive

Even while physical attraction isn’t the primary feeling you have for this person when you experience love at first sight, it’s still very strong.

The key difference is that you’re not so smitten that you can’t wait to strip them naked and make love to them. When you’re physically attracted to someone, you take notice of every aesthetic detail about them. You find them attractive in many ways: sensual, cute, hot, and stunning.

Attraction to someone’s character, rather than their physical appearance, is a common phenomenon.


9. You immediately picture yourself with them

Imagine yourself in a committed relationship with this person if love at first sight is indeed happening.

It takes time to get to know someone before you can confidently say that you could spend the rest of your life with them.

One symptom of love at first sight is fantasizing about events that are highly improbable.

You fantasize about them being the one you spend the rest of your life with.


10. You are confused by your reaction

Perhaps you aren’t easily moved by emotion and tend to think things through rationally. Nonetheless, your emotions run wild whenever you’re around this person. It’s also not typical of you to be so downhearted.

As a result, you may be wondering, “What the heck is going on?” This is the first time I’ve ever felt like this! You can’t help but wonder why you’re feeling drawn to this total stranger.

Many things, from brain chemistry to finding one’s soul match, could be responsible for such an intense emotional response.

Either way, you don’t understand your emotions. It’s unlike anything you’ve tried before.

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11. You don’t care about the type and match

Love at first sight is often attributed to meeting a stunningly attractive individual who is also completely compatible with one’s personality. Yet, this isn’t always the case.

The vibe that someone gives off can be more important than their physical appearance. You feel an instant connection with that individual, and it’s not necessarily physical.

You probably find them beautiful in some way, even if they aren’t your typical type. But, you don’t seem to mind one bit. You’re solely interested in making contact, learning about them, and ultimately settling down with them.


12. You can see no one else

When you least expect it, the people in a busy room or bar can vanish. Talking to them makes you feel like time has slowed down.

Nobody seems to be around anymore. You’re so entranced by their company that for a while it seems like there aren’t a single other people in existence.

You haven’t given anyone else a second thought since the first time you met. You can’t help but think about them all the time, and you truly do “only have eyes” for them.


14. You feel that you love them

The word “love” is a powerful one, therefore it’s important to think carefully before uttering it. Whether or not you love someone is a matter between you and that person alone. And if you’ve ever had love at first sight, you know without a doubt that it was love.

Even if this is a new person in your life, you will know immediately how you feel about them. The certainty you feel about this person is unparalleled.



In conclusion, love at first sight may seem like a myth to some, but for those who have experienced it, the signs are undeniable.

The feeling of an instant connection, the butterflies in your stomach, the inability to stop thinking about the other person – these are all telltale signs that love at first sight may have occurred.

While it’s important to take the time to get to know someone before jumping into a relationship, if you do feel that instant spark, it’s worth exploring and seeing where it may lead. After all, sometimes the best things in life come when we least expect them.

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