Welcome to our “A-Z Educational Terms Dictionary”! This is a special place where you can learn about all the fancy words that people use when they talk about school and learning.

Just like a regular dictionary, our guide lists words from A to Z, but these words are all about education. So, if a big word your teacher, principal, or parents use ever confuses you, come here to learn what it means.

We’ve made everything easy to understand because we believe that big words shouldn’t be scary or confusing. Let’s learn together and make education fun!

A – Terms beginning with A

B – Terms beginning with B

  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Benchmarking
  • Board of Trustees
  • Bursar
  • Blended Learning
  • Bologna Process

C – Terms beginning with C

  • Campus
  • Campus Housing
  • Campus Safety and Security
  • Career College (Added)
  • Career Fair
  • Career Services
  • Center
  • Certificate
  • Certificate Program
  • Chancellor
  • Class Rank
  • Class Schedule
  • Class Size
  • College (academic division)
  • Commencement
  • Commencement Speaker
  • Common Application
  • Community College
  • Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)
  • Conservatory
  • Continuing Education
  • Cooperative Education
  • Core Course
  • Core Curriculum
  • Counselor
  • Course Catalog
  • Course Completion
  • Course Evaluation
  • Course Load
  • Course Syllabus
  • Course with a major research component
  • Course Withdrawal
  • Credit Arrangements
  • Credit Transfer
  • Credits
  • Curriculum
  • Capstone Course
  • CLEP Exams (College-Level Examination Program)
  • Clinical Experience
  • Collaborative Learning
  • Collegiate Institute
  • Competency-Based Learning
  • Consortium
  • Continuous Enrollment
  • Correspondence Course
  • Critical Thinking
  • Cross-Registration

D – Terms beginning with D

  • Dean
  • Degree Audit
  • Degree Program
  • Degree requirements
  • Department
  • Department of Higher Education (Added)
  • Developmental Courses
  • Dining Hall
  • Distance Education
  • Distance Learning
  • Division (Added)
  • Doctoral Degree
  • Dormitory
  • Dormitory Advisor
  • Dual Enrollment
  • Dean’s List
  • Deferment
  • Dissertation

E – Terms beginning with E

  • E-learning
  • Educational Opportunity Program
  • Educational Technology
  • Elective Courses
  • English Language Proficiency
  • Enrollment
  • Enrollment Deposit
  • Enrollment Status
  • Entrance Exam
  • Essay
  • Executive Education
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Early Action
  • Early Decision
  • Experiential Learning

F – Terms beginning with F

  • Faculty (academic personnel)
  • Faculty (academic division) (Added)
  • Faculty Advisor
  • Faculty Senate
  • Fellowship
  • Field of Education
  • Field of Study
  • Final Exam
  • Financial Aid
  • Foreign Language
  • Fraternity
  • Fraternity House
  • Freshman
  • Full-time Faculty
  • Full-time Study
  • Faculty Rank
  • Flipped Classroom
  • Form A
  • For-Profit College
  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

G – Terms beginning with G

  • General education
  • General Studies
  • Governing Body
  • Grade Point Average (GPA)
  • Grade Distributions
  • Graduate Assistantship
  • Graduate Attributes
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Degree
  • Graduate School
  • Graduation requirements
  • Grants

H -Terms beginning with H

  • Higher Education Award
  • Higher Education Provider
  • Higher Education Services
  • Honors Program
  • Honors Thesis
  • Housing
  • Humanities
  • Hybrid Course

I – Terms beginning with I

  • Independent Study
  • In-state Tuition
  • Institutional Research
  • International Education
  • Internship
  • Institute (academic division)
  • Institute of technology
  • Independent Learning
  • Ivy League

J – Terms beginning with J

L – Terms beginning with L

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Lecture
  • Lecture Hall
  • Liberal Studies
  • Library
  • Learning Community
  • Learning Management System (LMS)

M – Terms beginning with M

  • Major
  • Master’s Degree
  • Matriculation
  • Mentor
  • Merit-based Aid
  • Ministry of Higher Education
  • Minor
  • Minority Student Services
  • Mode of Delivery
  • Mode of Study
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)

N – Terms beginning with N

O – Terms beginning with O

  • Office of Admissions
  • Office of Disability Services
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Office of the Registrar
  • Online Courses
  • Online Learning
  • Open Day
  • Open University
  • Orientation
  • Out-of-state Tuition
  • Outreach Programs
  • Overseas Study

P – Terms beginning with P

  • Part-time Faculty
  • Part-time Study
  • Peer Advisor
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Placement Test
  • Polytechnic
  • Postgraduate
  • President
  • Presidential Scholarship
  • Principal Investigator
  • Professional Degree
  • Professional Development
  • Professional School
  • Provost
  • Public Ivy
  • Pedagogy
  • Plagiarism
  • Postdoctoral Fellow
  • Prerequisite
  • Private University
  • Public University

Q – Terms beginning with Q

  • Qualifications Authority
  • Quality Assurance Agency

R – Terms beginning with R

  • Recognition of Prior Learning
  • Recreational Facilities
  • Rector
  • Registrar
  • Research Assistant
  • Research University
  • Residence Hall
  • Rectors Council or Conference
  • Rolling Admission

S – Terms beginning with S

  • SAED
  • Scholarship
  • School (academic division)
  • Seminary (Added)
  • Semester
  • Service Learning
  • Sorority
  • Student Affairs
  • Student Attrition Rates
  • Student Center
  • Student Cohort
  • Student Completion Rates
  • Student Loan
  • Student Union
  • Student Union or Government Association
  • Study Abroad
  • Subject
  • Support Staff
  • Syllabus
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Self-Directed Learning
  • Semester Hour
  • Senior
  • Sophomore
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
  • Study Skills

T – Terms beginning with T

  • Tenure
  • Thesis
  • Trade School (Added)
  • Transcript
  • Transfer Credit
  • Trimester
  • Tuition
  • Teaching Assistant (TA)
  • Tenure Track
  • Test-Optional Admissions

U – Terms beginning with U

  • Undergraduate
  • Undergraduate Degree
  • University Alliance
  • University Association
  • University President
  • University Rankings Organization

V – Terms beginning with V

  • Vice-chancellor
  • Vice-chancellors Council or Conference
  • Vocational School
  • Virtual Classroom

W – Terms beginning with W

  • Work-Study Program
  • Waitlist
  • Workforce Education
  • Writing Center

Y – Terms beginning with Y

  • Year Abroad Program
  • Year-Round Admissions