The Bob Dunstone Rural Placement Scholarship was established in 2022 to assist students in completing a work-integrated learning placement in a rural or remote region. It was made possible by a grant from Vivienne Dunstone.
The Scholarship is open to students who have a real desire to work in and contribute to regional communities.
Brief Description
- Type: Undergraduate
- Organisation: Flinders University
- Country to study: Australia
- Course to stud: View courses
- Gender: Men and Women
- Application Deadline: January 8, 2023
See Also: Keele University 2023-2024 GREAT Scholarship for Masters Students (UK)
About the Flinders University
In Adelaide, South Australia, there is a public university called Flinders University. It was established in 1966 and is called in honor of the explorer and surveyor of the South Australian coastline in the early 19th century, Matthew Flinders.
A member of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU) Group and a verdant university, Flinders is ranked 36th globally and in the top 10 in Australia among institutions founded less than 50 years ago.
The institution established a cross-disciplinary method of teaching, and its faculties of medicine and the humanities are among the top 10 in the country.
Scholarship Benefit
Each Scholarship will be $250 each week of placement up to a maximum of $2,500, with the value varying based on the length of the placement. Students that go to distant places (RA5) for their placement may be eligible for additional funding.
There will be at least two scholarships offered each year.
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Eligibility Criteria
Applicants for the Scholarship must meet the following requirements:
- Be enrolled full-time in a Flinders University coursework degree*; and
- Have a full-time job throughout the Scholarship year; and
- Be completing the placement in a regional or remote location designated by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard Remoteness as RA2 – RA5 (excluding Mount Barker): and
- Be completing the placement at a location that is more than 90 minutes away from both the student’s semester and permanent home address; and
- Have not obtained financial assistance or a scholarship from Flinders University for a rural/remote placement in the same year.
*Scholarships are offered to part-time students in exceptional situations, such as disability, sickness, or carer duties.
Students completing an elective placement must submit certification from their host supervisor that the placement will provide a significant advantage to their study in order to fulfill the qualifying criteria.
Recipients who fail to complete the placement may be required to reimburse the Scholarship.
How to apply
Applications must be submitted electronically using the Flinders University Student System before the deadline.
Application Deadline
January 8, 2023
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