Mistake Delsu Aspirants Make – Before I begin, I’d like to wish everyone best of luck in their academics. If you wrote jamb this year and have made the cut off mark for DELSU – which is 170 surprisingly.
Please get your form if you haven’t already. It’s another year and it is time for another post utme examination.
If you missed our last article about how you can gain admission into Delta State University, kindly click on the below link.
Forms are on sale, calls are being made, past questions are being sold, favors are being called in, questions are being asked and yet some people, a minority tend to make certain mistakes that can dwindle their chances of ever getting admitted into DELSU.
Mistake Delsu Aspirants Make
Below i will be discussing on a few mistakes that I found that potential DELSU Aspirants tends to make or even take for granted.
1. Being Unprepared:
I once knew a guy, whose parents were very rich. He was to write two post utme exams at that time, one at a poly and the other in Delta State university.
They were in about three months or so and he asked for my help in setting a reading timetable, which I humbly obliged.
About a month in, I decide to check on my guy’s progress and he was not doing anything productive with the allocated reading time i initially crafted for him.
I asked what the issue was, he simply said that the Delsu post utme examination is chinchin, however it plays out we’ll drop something and admission is secure” said my friend.
I said all I could to convince him otherwise and let him be.
Two months and three weeks in, my guy starts running Helter skelter, seeking for research materials and the likes, spending the nights reading and what not.
The day of the exam came and he walked in, in whatever form of preparedness he thought he had.
He failed both exams horribly but the good news was that my friend was hell bent on getting admitted in Delta State University.
He finally got into the university on his third trial though.
I know there maybe series of questions you might have about Delsu, kindly click on link below to find out more!
Experience is always a good teacher. This problem is probably one of the most common mistakes some DELSU Aspirants tend to make.
Some more than others. “Greatness comes to those who seek it” and not by lying on your bed expecting manner from heaven on your exam day, because trust me!
Manner is going to be the least of your worries if you walk into Delsu post utme CBT center without being prepared.
Truth be told, there’s no holy or anointed anything that’s going to save you from the abyss of failure if you’re unprepared.
Faith without action is fruitless.
Do me a favor and please Learn from the experiences of others, let their wisdom guide you on the path to academic excellence.
Prepare well, calm yourself, pray and everything will go well. All Good things come to those who work for it. Keep that in mind.
2. Over confidence
Pride, they say goes before a fall. Most students who feel that their heads are on fire tend to
mess up during this type of exams because of over confidence.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be confident;
I’m not saying you shouldn’t be proud of your intelligence, I’m just saying you should get off that high horse and humble yourself in an exam hall.
Just like in a game of chess, if you are not relaxed; calm and calculated, you are most likely going to
lose the game.
You need to anticipate your opponent’s next move, read them like an open book made for very dumb kids *smiles* – sorry I buried the lead, just be humble, calm and relaxed during the exam.
3. False Assumptions
Most students have the mindset that all the questions to be set are 100% reused past questions and yes they are sometimes but that does not mean you should narrow your revision to just those past questions.
Make research on the course you want to study and revise subjects related to that.
Always broaden your reading scope when preparing for a post utme exam and/or any exam.
And always expect the unexpected from DELSU, you can be expecting them to zig and they’ll probably zag – trust me Delsu will shock you.
4. The ideas Of Malpractice
I get that most of you guys are used to paying a price to get your score, having the answers fed to you during exams or outright having someone else write for you.
That my dear friend will not be possible in Delta State University post utme exam, you are on your own.
No side squabbling, if you are caught for some reason you will be forced to submit. And therefore fail the exam.
Please Note that the above are my personal opinions on the aforementioned topic and are to be regarded as such.
I’ve been teaching for a while and I have come across different kinds of students, heck I was in school some time back *smile*. But If you put your mind to it, work on it and trust in our almighty father.
My dear there is nothing you can not acomplish. Best of luck on your coming exams, I leave you
with this; “Faber est suae quisque fortunae – Every man is the architect of his own fortune”.
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Please am so confused i did not get admitted into delsu dis year i dont want 2 rewrite jamb i taught of doing a diploma course do u think is a good idea
Yes, by all means. Register for a Diploma program as soon as possible