The Major Signs of a One Sided Relationship

By Queen Elle
16 Min Read

One sided relationships occur when one partner gives more than they receive, or when one partner dominates the relationship.

Relationships are meant to be a two-way street, with both partners contributing to the health and happiness of the partnership.


However, sometimes relationships can become one-sided, with one partner giving more than the other or taking more than they give.

One sided relationships can lead to feelings of neglect, unappreciation, or being taken advantage of by the other partner.

This can be a difficult situation to navigate, as it can be challenging to recognize when a relationship has become unbalanced.


In this article, we will explore some of the signs of a one sided relationship, and what you can do if you find yourself in this situation.

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The Signs of a One Sided Relationship

One-sided relationships are those in which one person invests more time, effort, and emotional energy than the other.

Signs of a one-sided relationship can include a lack of reciprocity in communication, effort, and affection, as well as a feeling of being taken for granted or not valued.

They also include feeling like you are always the one to make sacrifices or compromises, feeling like your partner is not supportive of your goals or interests, or feeling like your partner is dismissive of your emotions or needs.

The person who is giving more may find themselves constantly initiating contact, making plans, and expressing their feelings while the other person seems indifferent or uninterested.

Over time, this dynamic can lead to feelings of frustration, loneliness, and even resentment. It is important to recognize the signs of a one-sided relationship and take steps to address the imbalance or consider ending the relationship if it cannot be resolved.

It’s important to address these issues in a relationship, as they can lead to resentment and other negative emotions. Seeking support from a professional or trusted friend or family member can be helpful in navigating a one sided relationship.

1. They know very little about your life

If you feel like your partner doesn’t care about what’s happening in your life, it may be a sign of a one-sided relationship.

They may say they forgot to ask or they’re too busy, but the truth is they just don’t care.

They might even blame you for being too needy.

2. You make all the plans

Whether your partner is new to the area or just bad at planning, the problem is that they don’t try to change that. You’re the one who always has to make plans and contact them first.

You love them, but you feel like you’re doing all the work in the relationship. This is a sign that the relationship is one-sided and might not last.

3. Issues go unresolved

In any relationship, there can be problems, but if you both love each other, you should work together to solve them.

A sign of one sided relationships is when you’ve talked to your partner about things that bother you, but they don’t try to change and make things better.

They may even get mad and call you annoying when you bring up these issues. This is not a good sign for the relationship.

4. Your partner isn’t there for you

If your partner is never there for you when you need them, it could mean your relationship is one-sided. Relationships are supposed to be about supporting each other and being there when times are good or bad.

But your partner is always busy or not listening to you. You might even feel lonely when you’re with them instead of happy. This is a sign that the relationship might not be healthy.

5. Your gestures of love aren’t reciprocated

Doing nice things for your partner, like buying tickets to see their favorite sports team or making a romantic dinner, is a great way to show you care about them.

A sign of one sided relationships is when they haven’t ever done anything like that for you? If you think about it, they haven’t gone out of their way to show they care about you.

6. They pick their friends over you

In one sided relationships, your partner might choose to spend time with their friends over you, and it can be a big problem.

It’s normal to spend time with friends, but your partner cancels plans with you, doesn’t invite you to hang out with them, and ignores your requests to spend time together.

This is because they don’t see you as a priority, their friends are more important to them. Some people might ignore this sign and make excuses, but it’s a clear indication that the relationship is one-sided.

7. You’re always apologizing

In a bad relationship, you might say sorry even when you know you didn’t do anything wrong just to avoid conflict. But this prevents your partner from taking responsibility for their own actions.

Your partner might be good at making you feel guilty and always making you apologize, even for small things. If you find yourself apologizing for everything, it’s a sign that the relationship is not healthy.

8. The relationship just doesn’t feel right

When you’re lying in bed with your partner, you don’t feel happy or like you’re in a healthy relationship. You’ve seen other happy couples, and your relationship doesn’t compare.

If you have a gut feeling that something is wrong, your body is trying to tell you that you can do better and it’s time to end the relationship.

Feeling empty when you’re with your partner is not a good sign for the relationship.

9. You’re walking on eggshells around them

It’s like you’re afraid of your partner’s reaction all the time, even if you haven’t done anything wrong.

You feel stressed and worried about making them upset. This is because your partner isn’t fully committed to you and gets annoyed with your feelings.

10. It’s obvious they don’t care about you

It might be tough to hear, but it’s the truth. Your partner doesn’t care about you.

You might have noticed this feeling before but didn’t want to believe it. Even if you try to forget it, the feeling keeps coming back. So, it’s best to break up with them because they won’t change.

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11. You’re no longer happy

At the start of your relationship, you had fun with your partner and enjoyed their company.

But now, being with them doesn’t make you happy anymore. This means your relationship might not be equal.

You should end the relationship because it’s not good for you and it’s important to be happy.

12. You have to ask for favors or small things

You have to ask your partner for every little thing and they might get annoyed even then. Even a simple request for a glass of water or small gifts like flowers are not given without asking.

It’s not just about big things, but also small things like a hug or a call to let you know they’re coming home.

13. You feel generally taken for granted

Do you ever bring your partner’s favorite food home and they just say “thanks” without showing any excitement? It hurts when your partner doesn’t appreciate the things you do for them.

When you try to talk to them about it, they might get annoyed and criticize you for other things.

This is a big sign that your relationship might not be equal and it’s important to address this issue.

14. One-sided openness

You might share a lot with your partner like your daily experiences, problems with friends and family, and even relationship issues. But, does your partner do the same with you?

If they just nod along without showing any interest, and then don’t continue the conversation, it could mean that your relationship is one-sided.

15. Sweet words are hard to come by

Saying “I love you” is easy when you’ve been saying it for a long time, but sometimes it’s just words without any real feeling behind them.

If your partner doesn’t show any sweet or kind gestures towards you, like complimenting you, it could be a sign that your relationship is one-sided.

16. There’s no motivation to change

A good couple motivates each other to be better. For example, if one partner is creative and active, they can inspire the other partner to be more active.

Or if one partner is smart and knowledgeable, it can inspire the other to read more books. In a healthy relationship, both partners accept each other as they are but also encourage each other to grow and improve.

If your partner doesn’t seem motivated to improve themselves or to support your growth, then it might be a sign that your relationship is one-sided.

17. Plans never leave the ‘planning stage’ and it’s you’re the only one planning

If you’ve been talking about buying a house or going on a dream vacation for a long time, but it never seems to happen, it might be a sign that your partner isn’t committed to making those plans a reality.

Even though you make plans and do the necessary preparations, your partner doesn’t seem to take any action towards it, and just gives excuses to avoid doing it.

18. You have no common end goals

You want to live with your partner, get married, and have a dog and a cat, but your partner wants to live in an apartment without pets and doesn’t want to think about marriage right now.

This is a big difference in what you both want. When two people love each other, they should try to find ways to agree and grow together. If one person always has to give in, it’s a sign of an unfair relationship.

19. You sense you’re growing apart

If you’re reading this and things seem to be getting worse, it might mean that you and your partner are drifting apart. Actually, it’s likely that it has already happened.

Often, one-sided relationships come to an end because one person has taken so much from the other that there’s nothing left to give.

20. There’s broken trust

We’ve talked about the bad habits and what you both want for the future. If things seem really bad, it probably means that trust between you and your partner has been broken.

Maybe you feel like you can’t count on your partner and they always let you down when you try to trust them.

Broken trust is a big problem, but you can fix it if you both want to. However, if only one of you is trying to fix things, it won’t work.

21. You can’t remember the last time you were genuinely happy

This is the biggest challenge of all. You could be with the most perfect person, but the most important thing is how you feel about yourself. Are you happy with who you are? Do you love yourself?

If you don’t love yourself, you can’t truly love someone else. But even if you do love yourself, if you’re not happy in your relationship, you should leave.

If you’ve read through this list and realized that your relationship is one-sided and not working, there’s nothing you can do to change it. When two people are in love, they talk to each other, try to make each other happy, and focus on growing together instead of growing apart.


Recognizing the signs of a one sided relationship is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

If you find yourself in a relationship where you feel like you are constantly giving without receiving, or where your needs are consistently overlooked, it’s important to take action.

This could mean having an open and honest conversation with your partner about how you’re feeling, setting boundaries, or even considering ending the relationship if necessary.

Remember, a healthy relationship should involve mutual respect, support, and communication.

Don’t be afraid to seek support from trusted friends or a professional if you need help navigating a one sided relationship.

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