100+ Unique Valentine Day Messages for your Girlfriend

By Queen Elle
36 Min Read

Love is such a small word, but it encompasses a vast array of emotions. Love is what makes the world livable, what makes the surrounding environment tolerable, and what makes life worth living.

The celebration of Valentine’s Day, which is dedicated to the unique and indescribable emotion of love, cannot be disregarded.


As was mentioned earlier, there are a thousand different reasons why you and your girlfriend should celebrate this day together.

If you are having trouble deciding where to begin, we recommend taking a moment to relax and sending one of the Valentine’s Day messages to your girlfriend that we have compiled below.

There may be a lot of expensive gifts available to make her Valentine’s Day special, but some particular words from the heart on Valentine’s Day for your girlfriend would make the day more memorable.


Must read: How To Make Your Boyfriend Happy Through Text.

Valentine’s Wishes for Your Girlfriend

valentine day girlfriendMy darling valentine, I’m overjoyed that I get to keep you all for myself. Best wishes for the holiday of love.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have you in my life. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart!

Everything will change, but the love I have for you will remain the same. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

Without you, life would be devoid of all-purpose and meaning. I appreciate you being my girlfriend so much. Happy Valentine’s day, love.

The greatest blessing that could ever come into my life is and always will come from being able to call you my lifelong valentine. I adore you, sweetheart. I love you. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, darling. I’d like to express my gratitude to you for helping to make each day of my life so remarkable and unique.

I could one day get exhausted by the act of breathing, yet the feeling of love for you will never leave me. Without love in your life, there is nothing else to live for. Best wishes for Valentine’s Day!

Because loving you is the only thing I’m good at and the only reason I was brought here on earth, I can’t stop loving you no matter how hard I try. I love you! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

I wasn’t a poet when I was born, but your love turned me into one. It’s just my luck that God chose to bestow onto me his most magnificent work of creation, which is you. Happy Valentine!

I am indebted to you for the prettiest and most charming Valentine’s Day card one could ever want to receive. When I think about the distance that separates us, it hurts my heart, yet I am so happy that you are mine. Best wishes for the holiday of love.

You are the most beautiful flower in the entire world, and I am so happy to have you as a part of my love garden. Have an awesome valentine.

There are times when I question whether or not this is all a dream. Because, at this point, I have not been able to comprehend how blessed I feel because of your love. Best wishes for the holiday of love.

You give me a sense of vitality, and I am grateful to be the recipient of your copious amounts of love and care. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

Baby, the day we first met was the day I surrendered my heart to you, and I promise to protect and care for yours in the same way. I love you!

Happy Saint Valentine’s Day to the most amazing girlfriend in the world! I am grateful for everything that you do for me, love. I have faith that the love we have can bind us together for the rest of our lives.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, baby! You make me a very fortunate man to have such a wonderful companion as yourself.

Your radiant grin is enough to make me forget all of my concerns, so as your Valentine, I solemnly swear to you that I will never let it to disappear from your face. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

It’s a shame that even if I gathered together all the dictionaries in the world, I still wouldn’t be able to find a word that adequately describes your beauty. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

Your smile is more beautiful than a thousand stars, and your eyes are worth more than a thousand words each. For me, you’re a goddess! Best wishes for the holiday of love!

One day without being able to love you is equivalent to a lifetime of unhappiness. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

I am grateful that you have allowed me to love you and that you have loved me in return. The fact that you are mine is an incredible blessing. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

I would gladly give up a thousand brighter days in the future in order to spend just one more moment with you today. Happy Valentine!

Your love makes my life stronger and happier – be mine forever.

Relevant Insight: How To Make A Guy Confess His Feelings For You.

Valentine’s Messages for Girlfriend

valentine messageIt is beyond my comprehension how fortunate I am to have someone like you in my life. I cannot express how grateful I am to have you as my girlfriend. Happy Valentine’s day.

On this very important day, I just want to tell you that I’m madly in love with you and that nothing in the world will ever be able to change the way that I feel about how much I care about you.

Your love provides me the power to overcome the challenges that life throws at me.

I could never hope for anything more wonderful than to have a mate who is as loving as you are. Happy valentine’s day my sweetheart!

You already know why I think you are the most beautiful girl that has ever lived. The only thing I wish for in this world is for you to be here with me right now, tomorrow, and always. Happy valentine’s day!

It doesn’t matter if it’s Valentine’s Day or not; the kind things you do for me, no matter the occasion, mean more to me than anything in the world. Love is something that endures forever.

You don’t need Valentine’s Day to remind me that you’re the queen of my life since I already know it. Because I feel such a profound love for you, every day of the year should be celebrated as Valentine’s Day in my book!

I will never get sick of loving you, and this Valentine’s Day is just another milestone on the path to happiness that we are both on together. I hope that your Valentine’s Day is as wonderful as it possibly can be.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my one and only! My love for you is more profound than the most profound oceans, and I promise to protect and cherish you with every fiber of my soul. I am grateful that you are here with me.

I have known for a very long time what the term “love” means, but it wasn’t until I laid eyes on you, sweetheart, that I truly understood what it meant. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my love. You are the reason I started daydreaming about a wonderful future, so I want to thank you for showing me how to go after my goals and make them a reality.

I have witnessed a universe bursting with joy and love by simply looking into your eyes. My heart’s deepest desire is to be swallowed up by that place for all of eternity. Happy valentine’s day!

Even though I don’t need a holiday to show you how much I care about you, I can’t wait to spend Valentine’s Day with you and tell you how much you mean to me! Even though I don’t need a holiday to show you how much I care about you, I can’t wait for Valentine’s Day!

You are the girl I’ve imagined being with since I was a little boy. I am thankful for each and every day because the purity and beauty of your spirit inspire me to feel that way. Happy valentine’s day!

Because I am so in love with you, there are times when I feel as though I must be dreaming. I never in a million years imagined that my life could ever be so brimming with cheers and excitement. I love you!

In my book, every day should be celebrated like it’s Valentine’s Day. One day out of the year is not nearly enough time to commemorate your exquisiteness and the depth of my affection for you. Happy Valentine!

I am grateful that you have given me permission to care for you, kiss you, and hug you. You always manage to make me feel like a unique individual. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Your presence has a profoundly transformative impact on my life. It has the power to instantly make my heart melt and to erase all of my concerns in an instant. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

On Valentine’s Day, we are going to the beach to watch the sunset together, and I cannot wait. This Valentine’s Day greeting is filled with all of the love that I have in my heart for you, and it is sealed with a kiss.

Romantic Valentines Messages for Your Girlfriend

Romantic ValentinesYour love is my daily medicine for happiness and it always lifts my spirits. I hope that we will never part ways in this life. I adore you as if there were no other day in the world. Happy Valentine!

I give you my word, my Valentine, that I will love you with all of my heart till the very end of time. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

If you weren’t in it, the sunrise would be in vain, and the sunset would be filled with gloom. The mornings would be so uninteresting, and the evenings would be so chilly! Happy Valentine!

I came across you; I experienced love at first sight; and then I came to the conclusion that loving you is the only thing I want to do for the rest of my life. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my darling!

The effect of your affection on my eyes is very much like applying a beauty filter. Since I’ve known you, I find that everything in this world is breathtakingly lovely. Happy Valentines!

For me, the only thing that would be more excruciating than taking a breath would be doing it without having your ideas in my head! I love you! Best wishes for the holiday of love!

Even on the coldest of days, the warmth of your grin can make my heart melt. When nothing else can, the feeling of your touch can bring me comfort. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

Before you came into my life, Valentine’s Day had no significance whatsoever. Because of you, I now look forward to it, and I hope that I will always be able to spend it with you. Take my affection.

You are the one thing that was lacking in my life, and now that you are a part of it, my existence is over. I love you!

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my darling! There is no vocabulary in the world that could adequately convey to you the narrative of how I fell in love with you.

Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetie! I sincerely wish that I could make today as memorable for you as you already are to me.

Even if I were to bring the sun down to your feet, it would not be sufficient to announce the breadth and depth of my love for you. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

This Valentine’s Day, the most fulfilling experience I can have is that of giving up everything I care about for the person I love. Dear girlfriend, on this very important day, I ask you to please accept my heart once more.

If this fantasy that I’m having about us being together for the rest of our lives is only a dream, then I don’t want to wake up ever! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my darling!

On this one-of-a-kind occasion, I’d like to tell you that my feelings for you haven’t changed one bit since the first day we embarked on this adventure together. Happy Valentine!

You have no reason to feel sorry for yourself, and you have no reason to feel discouraged since I will always and indefinitely be at your side. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my darling!

You will never be replaced in my heart by anything else. Your home is a haven of stability, safety, and reliability. I hope that you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day today!

Flirty Valentine’s Messages for Your Girlfriend

Flirty ValentineI have been holding back my confession of something that is so honest until today finally arrived. I have a deep-seated desire in my heart, and I can’t wait to share it with you. I can’t wait to spend this Valentine’s Day with you!

My heart is ablaze with the fire of your love, and the only person I know who can save me from this anguish is you. Your touch is the one thing that can put my mind at ease and calm my racing heart. Happy valentine’s day!

Your lips are the most delicious candy I’ve ever had the pleasure of tasting. On Valentine’s Day, I want to create some memories with you that neither of us will ever be able to forget. I hope you feel the same way.

If I were the traffic light at the intersection, I’d flash red every time you walked through it just so I could keep staring at you for a little while longer. Happy valentine’s day lovely!

There are some things that can never be put into words. If you just give in and let me kiss you once, you’ll understand why I want to. On this very important day, I want to send you all of my love.

You can make me lose my breath even when you’re not trying to! You are the most naturally beautiful person I’ve ever seen. I love you!

The radiance that emanates from your cheeks is just stunning. I really wish that by kissing you I could take in part of it. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my sweetie!

When you’re around, flirting develops into a reflex that comes naturally. Your attractiveness pulls me in like a magnet. You make me feel like the luckiest guy in the world to have such a stunning girlfriend as you.

Long Distance Valentine’s Messages for Your Girlfriend

long distance girlfriendOur relationship has never been affected by the physical distance between us. Because we are both aware that our two different bodies house the same soul, which we share. Happy Valentine!

Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone without you, and another year has passed since I first realized how deeply in love I am with you. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my sweetie!

How am I supposed to argue that you are not here when I can clearly see you whenever I close my eyes? You are with me at all times, and your presence permeates all of my thoughts. Happy Valentine!

During this very momentous event, I am thinking about you quite a bit. I am sure that you are experiencing the same things. I have nothing else to say other the fact that I adore you. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

It’s possible that my love isn’t the strongest, but it travels the farthest and it finds its way to you! Best wishes for the holiday of love!

I may be on the other side of the world, but our hearts are in the same place, so I wanted to wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day. I love you.

Because we are unable to meet right now, the day will feel unfinished. You are the sole reason for its uniqueness. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart.

I’ve never been much of a fan of poetry, but the gap that exists between us and the way we experience love is inspiring me to write it. Happy Valentine’s Day to my most beautiful love poem, which is you, sweetie.

My love for you will never change no matter how far away you are or how many days pass until I get to see you again; it makes no difference to the intensity of my feelings for you!

Happy Valentine’s Day, my sweet girlfriend! Don’t even think about turning your back on me while I’m sending you loads of warm hugs and kisses! I love you!

Love, even now I hold all of our wonderful memories dear to my heart and think fondly of the times when we were able to comfort one another by remaining in each other’s arms. I keep thinking about how much I miss you!

Baby, you can take as much time as you need to get back here because I’ll always be waiting for you with my arms wide open. I love you!

Honey, I hope you have a lovely Valentine’s Day! You are quite a ways away, but right now some hugs would do wonders for me.

The most positive aspect of long-distance relationships is that there is always the possibility of a “next time,” a hope that never dies and that brings us more closer with every passing Valentine! Best wishes for Valentine’s Day!

You are the one that I am looking for and the one that I need. You are everything that contributes to the beauty that exists in my universe. Someone who loves you but isn’t able to be with you today wishes you a happy Valentine’s Day!

Our love is powerful enough to overcome any physical distance, arbitrary restrictions, and dogmatic beliefs. I am well aware that you share the same sentiments. Happy valentine’s day!

When I do think, which is not very often and not very much, you are the only thing that crosses my mind. Best wishes for Valentine’s Day, my sweetheart!

Long Valentine’s Day message to Your Girlfriend

Long Valentine's Day message to Your GirlfriendSince we started going out together, Baby, my life has become more interesting than movies, dreamier than fairy tales, and happier than any love story you’ve ever read or heard!

I truly feel that you are the one responsible for bringing all of this happiness, excitement, and fun into my life, and for that I cannot thank you enough. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day because I love you so much!

Hey dear, Best wishes for the holiday of love! I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I will love you less tomorrow than I do today, because only time can reveal more of your beauty, goodness, and charms.

Your ever-present presence in my life feels like a dream to me, love. It’s almost surreal. What on earth would I ever do if you weren’t in my life!

My sweetheart, your love has inspired me to become a poet since the only way for me to express my true emotions to you is through beautiful language and endearing music.

You have captivated my attention, and I long to spend the rest of my life in your warm embrace. I want to soak up every second of my time with you. I will always and indefinitely love you.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, honey! I adore the fact that, despite possessing such an entrancing beauty and a charming attitude, you are surprisingly humble and kindhearted.

I find that to be one of the most endearing qualities about you. You are all I could ever dream of, and I hope that I will still have the opportunity to spend the next half of my life with you by my side. I love you endlessly, doll!

It was a pure chance that we crossed paths and locked gazes, but it was predetermined that I would eventually fall in love with you, my angel. Because there is no one else on earth who can fulfill the role of my soulmate quite like you can.

You are the object of my deepest affection, and I adore no one else more. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

Valentine’s Day Card Messages for Girlfriend

Valentine's Day CardHappy Valentine’s Day to the most amazing girlfriend in the entire universe! I hope that this is the day that I am able to make all of my dreams come true! Thanks for being my valentine!

You are the best thing that has ever taken place in my life. You are the most wonderful present that the Lord has ever given to me. Thank you. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

This greeting card has more words on it than you are able to read, just as there is more love in my heart for you than you are able to perceive. Happy Valentine!

Your beautiful grin is more significant than a thousand times overachieving in life. Your contentment is more valuable than a thousand successful endeavors together. Because I love you!

Wonderful girlfriends such as yourself are not born; rather, they are crafted by God himself and given to a select group of people on this planet as a blessing. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

You fill my days with brilliant colors and make me joyful in the most simple way possible, my dear. I am overjoyed to have you in my life, and my love for you is boundless.

If it weren’t for your reassuring presence and soothing energy, my life would be a complete disaster. I am grateful for everything that you do for me, love. Best wishes for the holiday of love!

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, my dearest! I assure you that I will work hard to develop into the respectful guy that you deserve.

Funny Valentine’s Messages for Your Girlfriend

Funny ValentineOur love shall last until the end of time. Do you know the reason why? Because it wasn’t manufactured in China; rather, it was crafted in heaven! I hope that you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

I should have known that falling in love with you would be a far less dangerous option than falling out of a tree. Indeed, it was! I am grateful for the love and kindness you have shown me. May you have a happy Valentine’s Day!

You will only ever have one wonderful boyfriend like me in your whole life, despite the fact that you may have many Valentine’s Days in your lifetime. Give thanks for everything you already possess.

Many individuals give charitable contributions, including monetary gifts, blood, and even organs such as kidneys. On the other hand, I’ve decided to give you my heart. Always remember to keep it secure!

Your body is the tastiest candy, and the best part is that it won’t ever give my teeth cavities. I can eat it without worry. Happy Valentine’s Day, Beautiful.

You are the best girlfriend I’ve ever had, but more importantly, you are the best physician I’ve ever had. Your thoughts and love are what keep my mental health in good shape. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, darling.

You make me feel like a signal light. It doesn’t matter how many times I see you, my face still flushes. I am grateful that your love for me is unconditional. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day together with me!

Every Valentine spent with you is wonderful, with the exception of the meal portion. Just kidding! Not every Valentine’s card you get is going to blow your mind; some of them are just going to be pointless.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, world’s best girlfriend who doesn’t fart when we’re under the blankets together! Lots of Love, abbreviated as LOL

This is a time for loving as well as for making sacrifices. This is not the time for slobby girlfriends to blow their boyfriend’s money on expensive dinners out on the town! Best wishes for the holiday of love!

Because once I look at you, the entire world vanishes, which leads me to believe that you are a magician. I hope that you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day Quotes for Your Girlfriend

Quote ValentineSweetheart, every second spent with you is dearest to me. Happy Valentine’s Day!

“I want you. All of you. Your flaws. Your mistakes. Your imperfections. I want you, and only you.” – John Legend

You are a beauty with brains, a lady with perfect charisma and kindness! You are my dream girl and I love you!

Smiles spill easily ever since you have come into my life, my beloved. Happy Valentine’s Day!

“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou

“Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive.” – Inconnu

Happy Valentine’s Day, baby. You bear the token of my love and the reason for my happiness!

“The world wants all the happiness and I want just one person, you.”

“I don’t believe in fairytales, but you’re my princess for sure.”

Loving you is as easy as breathing, for I can live without loving you! Happy Valentine’s Day!

“I live because you love me! Happy Valentines Day, my soulmate!”

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss

“If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one days, so I never have to live without you.” – Winnie the Pooh

Wrapping Up

For those in romantic relationships, Valentine’s Day is the most anticipated day of the year.

This is a party to celebrate love. If you have a girlfriend, then you probably already know how important it is for a female to hear some words of love, appreciation, and admiration on this day!

On this day, women have some very ridiculous expectations for their boyfriends to fulfill. They are looking forward to receiving warm and fuzzy Valentine’s Day greetings and messages from you.

Send your girlfriend some Valentine’s Day messages that are amusing, sweet, and romantic, and you can be sure that she will spend the entire day with a smile on her face.

Take her out on a date, plan a romantic supper for her, and don’t forget to wish her a happy Valentine’s Day and tell her how you feel about her in a few well-chosen lines of poetry!

Share a snapshot of the two of you together on social media, such as Facebook or Instagram, along with a cute Valentine’s Day caption. Our compilation of valentine’s day greetings includes some truly moving messages that you can send to your sweetheart when she is far away from you on this special day.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to pick the perfect valentine’s day wish from our collection. Send her a text about it right immediately to brighten her day. She should be able to feel the warmth of your affection, and you should make it abundantly clear to her how important she is to you.

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