Self Love: What it Means, and Ways to practice Self Love

By Queen Elle
17 Min Read

Practicing self-love is about nurturing your relationship with yourself and embracing who you are, flaws and all.

It involves setting healthy boundaries, prioritizing your well-being, and showing yourself kindness in moments of struggle.


By making self-care a regular practice, you cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and confidence, which in turn enhances your relationships with others.

Learning to love yourself is an ongoing journey, and it’s essential for overall happiness and emotional balance.

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What Does Self-Love Mean?

What Does Self-Love Mean

Self-love means appreciating and valuing yourself for who you are, recognizing your worth, and treating yourself with kindness and compassion.

It’s about embracing your strengths and accepting your imperfections without harsh self-judgment.

Self-love encourages you to prioritize your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, setting boundaries and making choices that support your personal growth.

Ultimately, it’s about fostering a positive and healthy relationship with yourself.

Why is self-love important?

Self-love is important because it forms the foundation for a healthy relationship with yourself and others.

By practicing self-love, you nurture your emotional, mental, and physical well-being, which boosts confidence and resilience.

It helps you set healthy boundaries, reduces stress, and encourages personal growth. Ultimately, self-love leads to a more fulfilling life by promoting happiness, self-acceptance, and inner peace.

Mental Health Benefits of Self-Love

Practicing self-love has significant mental health benefits. It helps reduce anxiety, stress, and self-doubt by promoting positive self-image and encouraging self-compassion.

When you prioritize self-care and treat yourself with kindness, you build emotional resilience, boost confidence, and create healthier coping mechanisms for life’s challenges.

Self-love also fosters a more balanced perspective, allowing you to handle setbacks with greater ease. Here are a few Mental Health Benefits of Self-Love.

  1. Happiness
  2. Self-acceptance
  3. High Self-esteem
  4. Self-awareness
  5. Self-forgiveness

Physical Health Benefits of Self-Love

Self-love can have a profound impact on your physical health.

When you value and care for yourself, you are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors like regular exercise, proper sleep, and balanced nutrition.

Self-love also reduces stress, which can lower blood pressure and improve overall heart health.

By prioritizing self-care, you’re creating a healthier body and lifestyle. Here are a few physical health benefits of self-love.

  1. Reduced stress
  2. Reduced risk of chronic illness
  3. Better heart health
  4. Improved immune system
  5. Prevention of burnout
  6. Stabilized glucose levels

Signs of a Lack of Self-Love

A lack of self-love can manifest in various ways that impact emotional and mental well-being.

Some common signs include constant self-criticism, low self-esteem, difficulty setting boundaries, and seeking external validation.

It can also result in neglecting self-care, feeling unworthy of love or happiness, and staying in unhealthy relationships.

These behaviors often stem from an inability to value and prioritize oneself.

Below are some signs of a lack of self-love.

  1. Tolerating toxic or abusive relationships
  2. Perfectionism and fear of failure
  3. Negative self-talk and constant self-criticism
  4. Engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors
  5. Avoidance of self-care and neglect of personal needs
  6. Chronic feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem
  7. Difficulty setting and maintaining healthy boundaries
  8. Comparing oneself unfavorably to others
  9. Seeking external validation and approval excessively
  10. Difficulty saying “no” and over-committing

Ways to Practice Self-Love

Practicing self-love involves taking intentional steps to care for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

This can include setting healthy boundaries, engaging in self-care routines, speaking kindly to yourself, and allowing yourself to rest and recharge when needed.

Prioritizing activities that bring joy and fulfillment, as well as nurturing positive relationships, are also key to fostering self-love.

Below are some ways to practice self-love.

1. Know thyself

In actuality, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with bath bombs, scented candles, and “me time” being marketed as the “highest form of self-care.”

The challenge is that we may begin to assume that is the most important form of self-care.

True self-care—and self-love—entails making investments in yourself that are unrelated to the products in your shopping basket.

Personally, I appreciate a good massage, but I know some who loathe the notion of getting one.

I could spend hours reading, when others may find it the most boring hobby imaginable.

Nobody, save you, knows the best way to care for oneself.

Consider getting to know yourself as the first step in a new relationship.

Whether you were making a friend, dating, or caring for your first houseplant, there was a learning curve.

You could ask questions, make notes on what works and doesn’t, and try new things.

You’d be curious and interested in learning how to foster this new friendship.

That spirit of eager participation is a good foundation for learning to value oneself.

Start a journal, try a new pastime, or go on a date.

When you start to learn about yourself and what you enjoy doing, you will probably realize that you are quite lovable.

2. Give Yourself a Compliment

Giving oneself a compliment is a simple yet effective approach to making yourself feel good and enhancing your self-confidence.

By appreciating ourselves on a daily basis, we begin to shift both our connection with ourselves and our mentality.

We are essentially teaching ourselves to focus on the positives, which leads to more pleasant sensations.

Even if you don’t think there’s anything to compliment yourself on, something as simple as sticking to your self-love routines is worthy of praise.

We must let go of the expectation that we must be perfect. Self-love involves learning to be compassionate and nice to oneself.

If you are uncomfortable talking to yourself, set aside a time of day to complement yourself, such as in the morning or before bedtime.

Before you go to bed, write it down in a journal or stick a Post-It note on your bathroom mirror.

You may even set a reminder on your cell phone that you’re doing well. Positive affirmations like “I can do this” or “I am worthy” can also be used to express self-love.

3. Build self-care routines

Learning to take care of yourself entails developing habits that promote your well-being. When you feel the need to recharge, perform a mini-reset. You can also develop a self-care strategy for yourself.

Creating self-care routines is an important and proactive step toward promoting your general well-being.

It entails the deliberate development of habits and practices that benefit your physical, emotional, and mental health.

No two self-care plans are the same. Begin by identifying activities that make you happy, relaxed, and fulfilled.

These could range from modest daily rituals like fast morning stretches or meditation to more serious commitments like regular exercise or artistic endeavors.

Consider making a self-care calendar or planner to help you arrange and prioritize your self-care activities.

Set aside time for activities that refresh your mind and body, making self-care a non-negotiable element of your routine.

Experiment with multiple ways and be willing to change your strategy as needed, because flexibility is essential for reacting to life’s changing demands.

Whether it’s an everyday mindfulness practice, an every-week nature walk, or a monthly self-reflection session, the overall impact of these routines helps to ensure a long-term and rewarding self-care journey.

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4. Practice Mindfulness

Being aware is an approach for increasing self-love since it allows you to identify your feelings, thoughts, and desires.

Mindfulness entails being fully present, nonjudgmental, and aware of what is happening around us.

There are popular meditation applications that may teach you how to do deep breathing and other mindfulness practices.

Meditation and mindfulness can help us connect with our current experiences and become more aware of what is going on internally.

5. Prioritize self-compassion

Cultivating self-love entails building a loving and understanding relationship with yourself.

Accept the concept of self-compassion, which means treating yourself with the same care and empathy that you would extend to a friend facing a hardship.

This technique is especially important during times of self-doubt, failure, or adversity.

Begin by accepting that everyone makes errors and experiences failures; it’s a natural part of being human.

When presented with a problem, avoid the desire to condemn or blame yourself.

Instead, offer words of encouragement and comfort, knowing that you deserve help and understanding.

Self-compassionate self-talk involves confronting negative beliefs and replacing them with affirming and loving remarks.

Remember that self-compassion is not a sign of weakness but rather a strong tool for increasing resilience and strengthening your emotional well-being.

Treating yourself with kindness and understanding strengthens the roots of self-love and lays the groundwork for long-term self-acceptance.

6. Celebrate the Small Wins

Celebrate your successes, no matter how minor.

People can create unrealistic expectations for themselves or become obsessed with what society expects of them; we try really hard to fulfill those standards and beat ourselves up when we don’t.

Having big dreams isn’t a bad thing, but setting unreasonable expectations based on our needs, wants, and beliefs is.

We are more likely to complete these chores, feel more successful, and be driven to move on to the next task, all of which lead to sentiments of self-love.

Minor victories add up and provide momentum for achieving the ultimate goal.

Quit comparing yourself to others who have graduated or work in this field. Instead, focus on yourself and live consciously and truthfully.

7. Embrace your uniqueness

Celebrating your originality is an effective method to practice self-love.

In a culture that frequently encourages uniformity, recognizing what makes you unique may be a powerful kind of self-affirmation.

Take the time to recognize and embrace your unique skills, eccentricities, and characteristics.

Start by compiling a list of the characteristics that distinguish you from others.

These could represent your skills, passions, or even your unorthodox viewpoint.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, acknowledge that your distinctness contributes depth and richness to the tapestry of human experience.

Affirm your originality by truly expressing yourself, whether through your style, creative activities, or communication style.

Participating in activities that are consistent with your interests and values is another way to recognize your individuality.

If you enjoy art, make time to create.

If you’re passionate about a particular cause, participate in related activities.

Living truthfully not only honors yourself but also helps to create a more diverse and colorful world.

8. Limit Time on Social Media

A key component of self-love is avoiding self-judgment and comparing yourself to others, which is simple to do if you’re constantly reading through social media.

According to research, many people base their social comparisons on what they see on social media, and there is a strong link between social media use and self-esteem.

Limiting your time on social media may help you feel less lonely, anxious, depressed, or afraid of losing out.

According to one 2018 study, limiting your social media use to fewer than 30 minutes each day will help you feel better.

9. Set and enforce healthy boundaries

Setting and maintaining healthy boundaries is an important part of self-love.

Boundaries act as a protective barrier, ensuring your well-being and vitality.

By clearly setting and articulating your boundaries to others, you create an environment conducive to self-respect and self-care.

Consider your personal and emotional boundaries.

Identify the situations, people, or activities that sap your vitality or jeopardize your mental health.

Once identified, take conscious actions to establish limits in those areas.

This may include assertively articulating your demands, saying no when necessary, and creating physical and emotional space as needed.

Maintaining boundaries necessitates constancy and self-advocacy.

Maintain your boundaries, even if it is uncomfortable at first.

Recognize that prioritizing your own well-being is a necessary act of self-love, and setting boundaries is a concrete method to display this commitment.

Surround yourself with people who will respect and support your boundaries.

Healthy relationships are based on mutual understanding and consideration for one another’s needs.

When you reaffirm your limits, you create an environment that promotes self-love and allows you to flourish emotionally and mentally.

10. Practice gratitude for your body

Self-love includes developing a positive and grateful relationship with your body.

Instead of focusing on perceived imperfections or societal expectations, show gratitude for your body’s wonderful talents and functions.

Begin by keeping a thankfulness notebook just for your body.

Every day, jot down three things you enjoy about your physical appearance.

These could include your freedom of movement as well as your senses, which allow you to perceive the world.

Recognize the perseverance and fortitude your body displays on a daily basis, even in small ways.

Engage in activities that encourage body positivity and self-acceptance.

Surround yourself with positive messages, whether from body-positive media or supportive social networks.

Challenge your negative feelings about your body by intentionally shifting your attention to thankfulness and praise.


Self-love is about cultivating a deep sense of appreciation and care for yourself, which is vital for emotional, mental, and physical well-being. It helps build resilience, foster healthier relationships, and promote balance in life.

By recognizing your worth, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care, you nurture a positive relationship with yourself that enhances every aspect of your life.

Embracing self-love is more than just a practice; it’s a lifelong journey of growth, healing, and fulfillment.

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