What to do When You Have Nothing to Say to Your Partner

By Queen Elle
11 Min Read

In any relationship, there are moments when conversations seem to stall, and finding the right words can feel challenging.

Whether it’s due to the comfort of familiarity or simply having an off day, running out of things to say to your partner is completely normal.


Instead of feeling awkward or worrying about the silence, there are plenty of ways to reconnect and make the most of these quiet moments.

From shared activities to thoughtful gestures, below are some ideas to keep the bond strong when words aren’t flowing naturally.

MUST READ: 10 Ways to Make Moments with Your Partner Count


Where Did All The Conversation Go?

Where Did All The Conversation Go

When you first start a relationship, you’re becoming acquainted with each other, so there’s many topics to talk about.

Even as those early years progress, there is the future to plan for. Careers, Friends, and Activities. To have children or not

It feels like you’re constantly discovering new things. Then one day, you stop being intrigued about your relationship. You appear to have covered all of the bases, and there is nothing else to discuss.

Some call this “comfortable silence.” However, if the stillness lasts too long, it can become unsettling and lead to disastrous consequences.

Many marriages suffer from complacency. This occurs for an array of reasons.

Some of which include;

1. You are exhausted. Life becomes hectic, and at the conclusion of the day, even conversing can seem like too much work.

2. You are too focused on the day to day. After coping with work, housework, and children, other issues go off the radar.

3. You presume you know our significant other.

Years of being together might lead to communication shorthand and the impression that you automatically know what your significant other thinks and feels.

4. Talking means fighting. If chatting always leads to conflict, some couples decide not to talk again.

5. Silence has grown into a tool. Both men and women are guilty of employing silence as a tool.

This could be a defensive tactic to avoid criticism or a passive-aggressive means of expressing anger.

Additionally, not only is this manipulative, but silence has a tendency to become the standard over time rather than the exception.

The fact that these things are not uncommon does not imply that they are healthy. One of the primary signs of a deteriorating relationship is the inability to communicate with your partner.

Why You Need to Talk to Your Partner

Silence within a relationship indicates that communication has ended or has become unhealthy.

Inadequate communication has no positive consequences. If not treated, it will certainly lead to: Growing apart, Miscommunications lead to more violence, Repulsion and rage, Looking beyond the marriage for connection.

These things could lead to separation and divorce.

Aside from the inner agony that bad silence can cause for each of you, it can also harm your children.

Children learn by what they observe. If kids are presented a version of marriage in which the parents do not speak or communicate effectively, they will feel this is normal.

Unfortunately, individuals may not recognize this until they have repeated the same errors in their individual relationships.

How To Begin The Conversation Again

If you think you and your partner have nothing to speak about, you’re mistaken.

The bright side is that you can begin speaking again. There are only a few things to comprehend and some effort required.

Things to Know:

1. You and your partner might have been together for a long time, but you are still individuals with own beliefs and opinions.

2. You have both changed over time, and so have your beliefs and opinions.

3. Your life and the world surrounding you have changed, as have your reactions to them.

Everything you thought you knew about your partner has most likely changed.

You do not know everything concerning him (and you never did), so there’s more for you to discuss.

What other things to understand:

1. Talking entails more than just discussing the family calendar, bills that have to be paid, and your regular Friday meal with the neighbours.

2. Talking entails more than simply inquiring how their day went, how supper tastes, or how they love the neighbor’s new garden.

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Things to do When You Have Nothing to say to your partner

When conversations stall and you find yourself at a loss for words with your partner, it can be an opportunity to connect in different ways.

Engaging in activities together can help break the silence and foster intimacy, whether it’s cooking a meal, watching a movie, or going for a walk.

You might also explore fun games or creative projects that spark interaction without the pressure of dialogue.

These shared experiences can deepen your bond and reignite communication.

Below are some of the things to do when you have nothing to say to your partner.

1. Silent Communion Can Exist

Being married to an extreme introvert entails a fair dosage of silent communion, or mystical connection, if you will.

You simply need to make sure you can communicate with your partner in a way that he will best receive and respond.

I also need to recognize that simply being together can provide a good level of closeness and connection.

2. Try New Things Together

If you believe you have nothing to talk about in your romantic life, why not try something fresh worth talking about? Shared experiences and hobbies are excellent ways to connect and generate fresh subjects of conversation.

You may go trekking, join a tennis club, explore new dishes, or replace your weekly TV time with board games.

You could also become thrilled about a joint long-term goal, such as renovating the house or organizing an upcoming abroad trip.

Finding mutual interests helps keep things interesting when the same old discussion subjects become stale.

3. Do a Questionnaire

Questionnaires and conversation questions are excellent ways to discover more about your companion.

Pinterest and other websites provide lists of lighthearted or profound and meaningful questions to ask one another.

Some include:

  • What was your initial impression of me?
  • What’s on the top of your bucket list?
  • What movie, book, or music has had the most influence on your life?
  • What was your childhood dream job?
  • When do you feel the most loved?

4. Ask the Right Questions

If the standard “How was your day?” question isn’t getting more than an unenthusiastic one-word response, it’s time to try something else.

Replace basic ‘throwaway’ inquiries with more thoughtful and specific open-ended questions that encourage your companion to think and communicate.

Instead of “How was your day?” you may ask, “What was the highlight of your day?” or “What are you most excited about at work right now?”

Use your queries to highlight the positives. If you inquire about the disadvantages, your spouse may provide brief responses or shut down.

5. Focus on Shared Interests

There aren’t many things you and your partner may have in common, but you have to make the most of what you do enjoy.

When you’re with your partner, you enjoy doing things together like, going to concerts, watching movies, paddleboarding, being outside, and going on road trips.

Making More Efforts

1. When communication becomes challenging, you must delve deeper and discover strategies to bring your spouse out.

This might involve asking about their ideas about work competitions, a specific sports team, where he’d prefer to live if money weren’t an issue, and so on. Even politics, if not overly contentious.

Genuine interest demonstrates caring and may help start the conversation.

2. Discover new mutual interests that will generate conversation.

This could mean that you start a new project together or begin to participate in the other person’s hobbies.

3. Go a little crazy together. No, nothing hazardous or illegal; just something fun and out of the ordinary.

Ride a mechanical bull, see a local band, go hiking, or take a night swim together.

Anything that boosts dopamine and produces endorphins may help to break down the barriers that keep you from “talking” and remind you of how important you are to each other.


When you find yourself in moments of silence with your partner, it’s important to remember that these pauses are a natural part of any relationship.

Embrace the quiet, using it as an opportunity to simply enjoy each other’s presence.

Silence doesn’t have to be uncomfortable; it can deepen your bond and provide a chance for reflection or shared relaxation.

Whether you fill the silence with small acts of affection or just sit together, it’s the connection that matters most.

Learning to appreciate these quiet moments can strengthen your relationship in meaningful ways.

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