Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowships in the UK for 2022/2023

By oshodi marvellous
7 Min Read

The Royal Academy of Engineering awards Research Fellowships to exceptional early-career researchers each year in order to help them develop into future engineering research leaders.

The scheme’s objectives are to:

  • assist the most promising young researchers in establishing their autonomy and relevance on a global scale

    offer support for the long term with the goal of promoting the pursuit of an ambitious agenda of engineering research and impact.


    Develop individuals who will serve as representatives of the Academy and champion the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).

The Academy accepts applications from young researchers from all over the world who got their PhD within the last four years. The program gives money for five years.

Each application can get up to £625,000 from the Academy over the course of five years, which is 80 percent of the full economic costs. Research Fellowships must be held at a university or college in the UK or at a research organization in the UK that is eligible to receive funding from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

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The following research fellowship schemes are open for applications in the 2022/23 round:

  1. Research Fellowship
  2. Engineering for Development Research Fellowship


In addition to direct financial support, the Research Fellowships provide the following benefits:

  • an opportunity to build a research track record and, as a result, be in a stronger position to apply for additional funding and grow one’s own research team
  • mentoring support from an Academy Fellow to offer research and career development advice
  • reduction of teaching and administrative responsibilities to devote time to research
  • training opportunities
  • opportunity to network with other Academy Fellows and Research Fellows


  • Research Fellowships must be held by one of the following qualified institutions that can show it can fully support an engineering-focused research project and researcher: a college or university in the UK or a research organization in the UK that is eligible for UKRI funding. (The notes on how to fill out the application include a list of qualified research organizations.)
  • Multiple institutions can’t offer research fellowships at the same time.
  • The host institution must agree to help the Research Fellow in the same ways they would help a full-time worker.
  • Before applying, it is up to the candidate to contact the institution that will host them and get their formal approval.
  • The proposed research project must have something to do with engineering. In its broadest sense, engineering includes a wide range of different fields.
  • Early-career researchers are eligible for Research Fellowships. Scholars must have a Ph.D. that was granted (or the Ph.D. was unconditionally authorized) no more than four years prior to the deadline of Tuesday, September 20, 2022. This time span includes candidates’ employment experience in academia or industry in the UK or elsewhere in the world. It is permitted to exceed the four-year restriction by up to three months. If the proper dates and data are submitted in the application form, maternity/paternity leave or other mitigating circumstances (e.g. extended sick leave, national service, or caring obligations) will be taken into account.
  • Research Fellows will be employed by the host university and will be expected to devote 100% of their time to the Research Fellowship program’s activities. The Research Fellowship must be the only source of income for the Research Fellow. For more than half of the Research Fellowship, the Research Fellow shall be based at the host institution. Justification must be included in the application form if the Research Fellow must work more than 50% of the Research Fellowship outside the host institution (Choice of host institution).

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  • Candidates are not limited by their nationality or age. All essential work permits and associated expenditures for the Research Fellows are the responsibility of the host institution.
  • Applicants who have previously applied and been rejected for this scheme are entitled to resubmit. These applications will be considered brand new.
  • The start date for research fellowships must be between August 1 and October 31, 2023. Research Fellowships are for five years full-time, with part-time rewards computed on a pro-rata basis. Requests for a Research Fellowship for a shorter period of time are not accepted.
  • Each host institution is limited to submitting a certain number of applications (see Application limit).
  • Completed applications will be rejected, as will those that do not follow the guidelines.
  • It is not possible to alter or update an application once it has been applied.

How to Apply

Research Fellowships must be hosted in one of the following qualified institutions that can demonstrate that it is capable of fully supporting a research project and researcher in the field of engineering:

  • a UK higher education institution/university or
  • a UK research organization that is qualified to receive UKRI funding. (A list of eligible research organizations is included in the candidate guidance notes)

In addition, the host institution must agree to give all of the assistance that a permanent employee would receive. Multiple institutions cannot host Research Fellowships at the same time.

Each host institution is limited to submitting a certain number of applications. Internal selection processes at host universities are likely to exist, which candidates must be aware of ahead of time.

There are no restrictions on applicants’ country or age. The Research Fellows’ host institution is responsible for obtaining the applicable work permits and associated charges.

For more information,visit the Royal Academy of Engineering website.

Application Deadline

The application deadline is September 20, 2022.

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