

Freelance Faqs

If you’re a freelancer with queries, you’re in the right place!

Dive into our Frequently Asked Questions section to find the answers you’re seeking.


WORK FROM HOME acts as a digital bridge, connecting businesses with a vast global community of freelancers. Clients can post either short-term tasks or long-term projects, and freelancers can respond with their expertise, offering services at competitive rates. This platform ensures a win-win collaboration for both parties.

What fees does the WORK FROM HOME charge

At WORK FROM HOME, freelancers don't have to spend a penny to start. Anyone can freely apply for any job listed on our platform. We ensure you don't need to invest anything to kickstart your freelance journey with us.

How do I apply for a Job?

Got a computer and internet connectivity? That's your ticket to earning significantly right from the comfort of your home! Dive into our Featured Jobs and decide your own income potential. You're on the perfect path to secure a remote position. Your ideal work-from-home opportunity is out there, ready and waiting. Discover it, clinch it, and thrive.

I am a Freelancer, how will WORK FROM HOME benefit me?

With WORK FROM HOME, your home becomes a gateway to global opportunities. Dive into a vast array of industries and projects that cater to your skills and passion. The power is in your hands: choose what you work on, set your schedule, and select your workspace. The freelancer lifestyle is no longer just a trend – it's the future. By joining the online freelancing community, you can significantly expand your clientele and manage more projects than ever before.

What is an Hourly Project?

An hourly project is a project in which our clients pay to freelancers by the number of hours they have worked on the project. WORK FROM HOME will invoice clients for payment. Hourly projects are suitable for all types of projects, especially those which require a freelancer to work specific hours, projects with ongoing engagements, and projects where the scope is not clearly defined.

Is WORK FROM HOME going to provide work for me?

WORK FROM HOME serves as a bridge between eager freelancers and potential employers. While we don't directly provide jobs, we offer a platform where talent and opportunity meet. Think of us as a marketplace

When and how often will I be paid?

WORK FROM HOME operates on a bi-weekly invoicing system. Freelancers are expected to submit their invoices for the work done over the previous two weeks by every other Friday. Invoices can be sent either via email or traditional mail. Payment for these invoices will be processed 28 days from the date of the invoice's submission.

Do I have any choice about when I perform my work?

While WORK FROM HOME offers the flexibility to choose your working hours, there are certain projects where client deadlines dictate the pace and timing. In such cases, ensuring timely delivery to meet client expectations becomes paramount.

Are there any requirements about where I do my work?

At WORK FROM HOME, our platform is designed for seamless remote working. All you need is an internet connection to access our data entry site. Once you're logged in using your unique user ID and password, you can select from a variety of projects tailored to your expertise. Each project comes equipped with its dedicated data entry screen, ensuring that the data you input is securely saved directly to our web server. When you've completed your tasks, simply log off. We do advise using a DSL or cable modem connection for optimal performance.

May I get other people to perform the work for me?

You can permit others to assist with your tasks; however, there are certain prerequisites. First, you must directly supervise their work. Secondly, they are required to sign WORK FROM HOME's confidentiality agreement, ensuring the utmost protection of sensitive data. Lastly, you should furnish proof of having conducted thorough criminal background checks on them.

How does WORK FROM HOME know how much work I did?

To access our data entry system, you'll need to provide a unique username and password. Each time you process a document, your username is attached to that data, allowing us to track and tally your contributions accurately. This system not only ensures we can quantify your efforts, but it also offers a reliable audit trail, crucial for maintaining quality assurance and oversight.

Is there a quota I must satisfy?

Typically, our freelancers indicate their desired workload, and we make every effort to match that amount. However, the volume of work we receive from our clients can fluctuate week by week. As a result, we cannot always guarantee the exact amount of work requested. The majority of our freelancers collaborate with us on a part-time basis, usually committing to an average of 20-25 hours weekly.

Do I have to buy any new software?

For the most part, no additional software is needed. However, on rare occasions, a client's project might necessitate the use of specialized third-party software. Should you not already possess this software, you'd be required to procure it directly from the software provider. Presently, only one of our projects demands such software, priced at $99. Additionally, you'll need a Citrix program to connect to our data entry center. Thankfully, downloading the Citrix program is entirely free of charge.

How soon will I be contacted?

At present, over 6500 freelancers are actively providing data entry services through WORK FROM HOME. While we welcome and encourage registrations, please be informed that there is a considerable waiting list of individuals already in line. Given the current scenario, it might take a considerable amount of time before you're contacted for opportunities.

Why do I need DSL or a cable modem connection?

All our tasks involve transcription from scanned visuals. Due to the nature and size of these images, a swift internet connection is imperative. With a sluggish connection, the image rendering will be delayed, leading to significant time inefficiencies.

Will WORK FROM HOME Deduct Any Tax?

We do not withhold any taxes from your payments.


Simple Just visit the Contact and send an email, we will answer your questions within 1-2 working days.

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