11 Best and Free Mental Health Courses [SEPTEMBER 2023]

By Queen Elle
25 Min Read

Mental Health Courses serve as a vital bridge to understanding, nurturing, and advocating for mental well-being.

In a world where mental health plays an increasingly significant role, these courses offer structured knowledge and practical strategies to support individuals dealing with various mental health challenges.

Whether you’re a mental health professional aiming to enhance your skills or an individual seeking to expand your awareness and provide support to others, Mental Health Courses offer a comprehensive and compassionate approach.


Covering topics ranging from mental health disorders, coping mechanisms, self-care practices, to effective communication, these courses empower participants to make a positive impact within their communities and contribute to a more empathetic and mentally healthy society.

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Best and Free Mental Health Courses

Stress is an unwelcome but unavoidable by-product of the fast-paced lifestyles we lead today.

In our modern times, there is a majority of the population that is suffering from moderate to significant mental problems, which sometimes go undiagnosed because there is so much to do and be.

Our knowledgeable researchers have combed the entirety of the internet to bring you the finest online Mental Health certifications and training, both free and for a fee.

These can be useful on an individual level as well as in providing support for patients and caregivers.

  1. Free Course Trial – The Science of Well-Being by the Yale University (Coursera)
  2. Free Course Trial – Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health by the University of Sydney (Coursera)
  3. Free Course Trial – Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 by the University of Toronto (Coursera)
  4. Childhood Adversity: The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Mental Health by the University College London (FutureLearn)
  5. Assessment and Treatment of Major Depressive Disorders (Harvard University)
  6. Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in the Primary Care Setting (Harvard University)
  7. Free Course Trial – Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach by the Johns Hopkins University (Coursera)
  8. Free Course Trial – Introduction to Psychology by the University of Toronto (Coursera)
  9. Managing Study, Stress and Mental Health at University by CurtinX (edX)
  10. Mental Health and Neuroplasticity: Change your Brain (Udemy)
  11. Free Online Mental Health Courses (Alison)

1. Free Course Trial – The Science of Well-Being by the Yale University (Coursera)

This course offered by Yale University on the subject of the Science of Well-being is driven by research-oriented and evidence-based ideas that are designed to assist everyone in leading a happy life.

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You will be able to create a pleasant environment around yourself and drive your living via healthy behaviors and habits if you engage in challenging activities that will help you rewire your brain by understanding how it tricks you.

These activities will help you rewire your brain by teaching you how it tricks you.

The courses are presented at a good pace, the activities are wholly applicable, and the overall course direction is interactive, which is the ideal mix for putting what you learn here into practice.

This is the class for you to take if you want to improve the way you live your life and get the most out of the experiences you have in it.


  1. Gain an understanding of the common misunderstandings around happiness and determine what it actually means to you.
  2. Find out how the brain works, how anxiety and thought loops show themselves inside the brain, and how you may break the loops in order to recover from them.
  3. Investigate and put into practice the various ways that can help you develop healthy and useful routines that can contribute to your overall well-being.
  4. Participate in the Retirement Challenge to demonstrate your dedication to your health and pave the road for a more fulfilling life.

Duration: 19 Hours

Rating: 4.9 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

2. Free Course Trial – Positive Psychiatry and Mental Health by the University of Sydney (Coursera)

Positive psychiatry is a method of thinking about mental health and wellbeing that is relatively new, and the University of Sydney’s curriculum focuses on this relatively new way of thinking.

The concept of positive psychiatry, as well as the stages involved and the approaches that need be taken in order to put it into routine practice, will be presented to the students in a manner that is evidence-based and makes use of tried and true methodologies.

You will also get an understanding of the most common mental diseases, their signs and symptoms, how they are diagnosed, and the various treatment options available, in addition to knowing when and where to seek assistance.

The course will teach you how your individuality, relationships, love, job, and everything else is connected, as well as how you can strike a perfect balance for a healthy state of mind, so that you can benefit from taking it.


  1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles underlying positive mental health by reading the perspectives of those who have battled mental illness as well as professionals in the fields of psychology and psychiatry.
  2. Learn how the mind and body are connected, as well as the relationship between one’s professional life, romantic life, and personal feelings, in order to comprehend such sensations.
  3. Acquiring knowledge of mental diseases and the therapies available might help one determine when they need help themselves or when they can assist others.

Duration: 20 Hours

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

3. Free Course Trial – Mind Control: Managing Your Mental Health During COVID-19 by the University of Toronto (Coursera)

Anyone may learn the skills to effectively manage their anxiety in just three hours, even in the midst of these challenging times as the globe fights a pandemic.

When you enroll in this class, you will gain an in-depth comprehension of the ways in which stress shows itself, the pernicious thought patterns that circulate inside the mind, and the stimuli that start anxious reaction patterns.

It is normal to experience feelings of anxiety when working from home, withdrawing from social situations, the news media spreading knowledge about calamities, and being unable to leave the house.

But if you use this program, it will show you how to get around all of these obstacles.

You will also learn the techniques that can assist you in managing these feelings and developing ways of behaving or routines that can assist you in being calm for longer stretches of time.

It is never too late to sign up for this class and protect yourself against the potential discomfort it may cause.


  1. Acquire a variety of techniques for coping with anxiety and the associated emotional states.
  2. Determine which forms of content consumption result in harmful inputs and stay away from those.
  3. Investigate many approaches that can assist you in achieving a state of peace and relaxation.
  4. Gain an understanding of the significance of maintaining social ties and the steps necessary to do so in a world that is increasingly geographically fragmented.
  5. Learn how to live with prolonged durations of isolation without falling into a depressive state by acquiring coping methods.

Duration: 3 Hours

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

4. Childhood Adversity: The Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Mental Health by the University College London (FutureLearn)

It is the belief of Freudians, and it is supported by some evidence, that traumatic experiences in childhood can result in mental health problems in adults.

Not only that, but it can also hinder their mental development and the dynamics of their social relationships.

This Childhood Adversity course on FutureLearn is intended for anybody who is directly or indirectly associated with child care, including but not limited to parents, caregivers, teachers, and social workers.

You will have a better understanding of how events that occur during childhood effect the behavior and thought patterns of children and how to assist those children as a result of the scientific insights offered here by neuroscientists, educators, and clinicians.

Participate in this class, and you’ll be helping kids grow up to be happy, healthy adults!


  1. It is important to gain a thorough understanding of childhood abuse in order to comprehend the effects that it has on a person’s mental health and development.
  2. Be aware of the effects that childhood trauma can have on a child’s ability to learn and their overall mental development.
  3. Gaining knowledge of strategies and resources that can assist children in overcoming the stresses and adversities that they have faced can pave the path for their beneficial development.

Duration: 3 Weeks

Rating: 4.8 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

5. Assessment and Treatment of Major Depressive Disorders (Harvard University)

This course has been developed by Harvard University specifically for medical professionals, such as physicians, primary healthcare workers, pharmacists, psychologists, and the like, with the goal of assisting these professionals in better understanding the therapy that their patients may require.

The self-paced lectures make it easier for professionals who already have full schedules to fit staying current into their schedules without disrupting their routines.

The course covers a wide range of advanced issues related to mental health and treatment, including but not limited to: suicidal inclinations; bipolar disorders; major depressions; the effects of antidepressants; and the inclusion of medicine alongside therapy.

After completing this training, you will be in a better position to make diagnoses and provide assistance to your patients and clients in the future.


  1. Study the more advanced ideas of major depressive disorders and the treatment of these illnesses, which includes psychopharmacology as well as psychotherapy, in order to get familiar with the several treatment combinations that you can offer.
  2. Earning your CE/CME certification will propel you further along your career path.
  3. You will be able to better serve your patients and become more proficient at what you do if you learn to provide accurate diagnoses and build treatment strategies for them.

Duration: 3 Hours

Rating: 4.7 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

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6. Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety in the Primary Care Setting (Harvard University)

This advanced level anxiety treatment program that is supplied by Harvard University is appropriate for primary care and nursing practitioners to use in the treatment of related diseases.

You will become familiar with six distinct forms of anxiety disorders, the process of diagnosing them, and the ensuing treatment strategies that use both psychotherapy and medication approaches.

Taking care of the obstacles that come along with the medicine is only one of the many things that this self-paced course will teach healthcare professionals how to address while developing treatment plans for patients suffering from anxiety disorders.

Additionally, it discusses the precautionary steps that should be taken as well as the detection of potentially dangerous conditions in patients.


  1. Gain an understanding of the various types of anxiety disorders and the ailments that often coexist with them.
  2. Find out about the medications that should be used in conjunction with psychotherapy for the treatment of anxiety disorders, as well as the obstacles that these medications present in the form of side effects.
  3. Learn to do a complete examination of patients so that you can provide better diagnosis and therapy for your patients.
  4. Make time in your calendar to complete this important patient-care class so that you can provide superior care to your patients.

Duration: 3 Hours

Rating: 4.7 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

7. Free Course Trial – Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach by the Johns Hopkins University (Coursera)

One of the many negative side effects of living a fast-paced life is depression, albeit this is not the only one.

People are educated on the social and medical elements of depressive illnesses, as well as the prevalence of these disorders, through the online curriculum offered by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera.

You have the ability to learn in a flexible manner thanks to the modules’ well-structured courses that span a period of six weeks and have deadlines that may be adjusted.

This course provides a more in-depth examination of the various ways in which different socioeconomic class groups are vulnerable to depression, as well as an examination of the epidemiological perspective, diagnostic criteria, and treatment options for mental disorders.

Individuals who have a better understanding of these principles may find it easier to recognize the symptoms of depression at an appropriate moment for intervention.


  1. Gain an understanding of major depressive illnesses and the significance of being aware of the fact that they exist.
  2. Learn about mental depression illnesses from a global perspective in order to have an understanding of the effects and repercussions of these conditions.
  3. Find out what causes depressive illnesses and what causes their symptoms so that you can treat them effectively and on time.

Duration: 11 Hours

Rating: 4.7 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

8. Free Course Trial – Introduction to Psychology by the University of Toronto (Coursera)

This Psychology class will be a lot of fun for you if you have ever been curious about how we as humans work.

You will gain an understanding of how we think and how we interpret the world around us via the use of engaging experiments that span our history and cover topics related to the brain and human behavior.

This class provides students with a scientific perspective on our feelings, mental processes, behaviors, and actions. After gaining this knowledge, you will be able to take a fresh perspective on your own life as well as the lives of those who are close to you.

The most prudent thing for you to do right now is to sign up for this class and challenge your mental capabilities in new ways.


  1. Learn about the development of psychology as a social science, as well as the experiments and fascinating research that has been done on the brain.
  2. Gain an understanding of how the brain works, namely the cognitive processes involved, such as thinking, memory, attention, perception, and so on.
  3. Acquire knowledge about the various forms of mental diseases and the therapies for each.
  4. Gain an understanding of the circumstances and the people in your immediate environment that have an effect on your behavior and cause you to change it in order to propel your development.

Duration: 23 Hours

Rating: 4.9 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

9. Managing Study, Stress and Mental Health at University by CurtinX (edX)

The life of a student is no longer confined to reading reference books, attending lectures, and doing homework.

Students are required to go above and beyond the traditional approach to study and compile a varied portfolio in order to keep up with the growing demand for versatility and multiple abilities.

It has made it easier for stress to find its way into the lives of students.

This Mental Health program on edX has been developed specifically for students in order to assist them in recognizing the factors that contribute to their stress and taking steps to improve their behavior before it becomes harmful.

Students will have an understanding of the elements that produce anxiety, the implications of those anxieties, and techniques for coping with them.

Students have the option of paying a small money in exchange for supplementary study materials, unlimited access to the course, and certification in addition to the free option offered by the instructor.


  1. As a student, you should develop your knowledge of mental health and get familiar with its dynamics.
  2. Learn to detect whether you are going through any mental turbulence and notice unpleasant thoughts and feelings so that you may take action as soon as possible. This will allow you to avoid further problems.
  3. When it comes to taking care of your mental health, you can help yourself and others around you by learning how to deal with stressful situations and anxious feelings.
  4. Acquire an understanding of the Cognitive Behavioral Techniques available for the treatment of anxiety and depression.
  5. As a student, you may ensure your well-being by being proactive in identifying your triggers, and you can live a happy and healthy life while you’re in school.

Duration: 2 Weeks

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

10. Mental Health and Neuroplasticity: Change your Brain (Udemy)

Even if it’s difficult, the human brain can be somewhat hacked. This course on Udemy about rewiring the brain is all about changing how you think, and it is full with practical tips for managing anxiety and stress in day-to-day living.

You will go through the 10 coping tactics of anxiety and depression illnesses by working on your neurological system. These approaches are supported by studies from the scientific community.

The modules on the maintenance of brain health through physical health and nutrition will provide you ways to work on your total well-being, and as a result, they will help you lead a life that is free of stress and full with peace and joy!


  1. Acquire the skills necessary to rewire your brain by assuming command of your nervous system, and make it a priority to keep your mental health in good shape.
  2. Acquire an understanding of the procedures and methods for treating depression, and work to modify your mental patterns in order to escape negative feedback loops.
  3. Gain an understanding of the nutritional inadequacies that can contribute to destructive behaviors and emotions, as well as treatment options for those deficiencies, here.
  4. As you finish this course, you will be able to alter the way in which your brain functions, which will allow you to experience sound body and mind harmony.

Duration: 3.5 Hours

Rating: 4.6 out of 5

To Register, Click Here

11. Free Online Mental Health Courses (Alison)

Anyone who has an interest in learning about the processes of the brain or who wants to assist those who are afflicted with mental diseases can take advantage of Alison’s free online mental health certifications and certificates.

The management of stress, depression and anxiety disorders, dementia, substance misuse, meditation and relaxation techniques, epidemiology, patient care, and many other issues related to mental health are included in this extensive selection of topics on mental health.

You have the option of selecting the one that is most helpful to you in light of the needs of your training and the knowledge you now possess.


  1. Alison offers a wide selection of alternatives, many of which may be completed online free, in the form of mental health certification or diploma programs.
  2. Enhance your effectiveness as a caregiver for individuals who are afflicted with mental problems, or offer assistance to those who are abusing substances.
  3. Learn how to control your stress so you may create strategies for a healthy work-life balance and live a more relaxed existence.
  4. Investigate meditation and other methods of relaxation if you want to experience more abundance in your life and become more attentive.
  5. To provide better care for your patients, educate yourself on the various mental disorders, their symptoms, and how they are diagnosed and treated.

Duration: Variable

Rating: 4.9 out of 5

To Register, Click Here


In conclusion, Mental Health Courses stand as a beacon of hope and education, illuminating the path towards improved mental well-being for both individuals and society as a whole.

The knowledge and insights gained from these courses not only broaden horizons but also break down stigmas surrounding mental health.

As mental health continues to gain the recognition it deserves, these courses equip individuals with the tools to navigate challenges, extend empathy, and provide meaningful support.

Whether pursuing a career in mental health or seeking personal growth, the impact of Mental Health Courses reaches far beyond the classroom, fostering a compassionate understanding of the complexities of the human mind and paving the way for a more empathetic and mentally resilient world.


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