BASIC REQUIREMENTS for Freelancers[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Want to work from your comfy couch either full-time or just now and then? Online jobs could be your thing! Let’s dive into a simple guide to get you going.

First things first: Beware of Scams

If a job asks you for money – to see an ad, to apply, or even to join their team – that’s a red flag. You shouldn’t have to pay a penny to get a job.

What Will You Need? Here’s a quick checklist:

1. Computer or Smartphone:

Any good computer will do. If it’s a bit older, just make sure it runs smoothly. Both Windows and Apple computers work!

2. Internet:

A strong, fast connection makes everything easier.

3. Phone Line:

A separate line just for work can be helpful.

4. Printer and Scanner:

Some jobs might ask you to print or scan documents.

5. A Work Email:

It’s good to keep work and personal emails separate.

6. Webcam:

For face-to-face chats online.

7. Special Software:

Some jobs might need you to use certain apps or programs.

8. Bank Account:

You’ll need somewhere to receive your earnings.

9. The Right Skills:

Different jobs might need different skills or qualifications.

10. Meeting Software:

Many online jobs use Zoom or Microsoft Teams to chat.

11. Good Headphones:

Clear sound can really help when talking to teammates or clients.

Getting these things ready can set you up for success in your online job![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row] [better-ads type=”banner” banner=”2310″ campaign=”none” count=”2″ columns=”1″ orderby=”rand” order=”ASC” align=”center” show-caption=”1″ lazy-load=””] [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]
