Understand the Meaning Behind ‘Corper Shun’ and How to Respond Appropriately

By SchoolCafe.Ng
14 Min Read

In this article, we will discuss the meaning behind the phrase “Corper Shun” and how to respond appropriately. When someone says “Corper shun,” they are actually asking you to stand at attention. The correct response is either standing at attention or saying “Ajuwaya” to indicate your refusal to obey the order. If someone greets you with “Corper wee,” the appropriate response is to say “one” to show that you are all one. Being called “Otondo” in the context of NYSC is not necessarily insulting, so it’s best to just smile and move on. If you have any questions or contributions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below.

Understand the Meaning Behind Corper Shun and How to Respond Appropriately


Understand the Meaning Behind ‘Corper Shun’ and How to Respond Appropriately

The National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) is an important program in Nigeria that brings together young graduates from different parts of the country to serve their nation. During this time, participants are often referred to using unique terms and phrases that may be unfamiliar to those outside of the program. One such term is ‘Corper Shun’, which holds specific meaning within the NYSC community.

The Meaning behind ‘Corper Shun’

When people call you “Corper shun”, they are actually asking you to stand at attention. The term is derived from the phrase ‘corps members’ and the word ‘shun’, which is a military command to stand in a respectful and attentive manner. It is important to understand that the use of this term is not meant to be derogatory but rather as a way to address participants and establish discipline within the NYSC program.

Origin and Significance of the Term

The origin of the term ‘Corper Shun’ can be traced back to the influence of military training in the NYSC program. The NYSC was established in 1973 with the aim of fostering national unity among Nigerian youths. However, to instill discipline and a sense of responsibility, the program incorporates elements of military training.


By using the term ‘Corper Shun’, the NYSC program aims to promote a sense of professionalism and respect among participants. It serves as a reminder that while serving their nation, corps members are expected to adhere to rules and regulations and demonstrate discipline.

Appropriate Responses to ‘Corper Shun’

Now that we understand the meaning behind ‘Corper Shun’, it is important to know how to respond appropriately when addressed in this manner. There are several ways to handle the situation in a respectful and courteous manner.

Standing at Attention

The first and most common response to ‘Corper Shun’ is to stand at attention. This means standing upright, with your eyes forward, and your arms straight down your sides. By doing so, you are acknowledging the command and showing respect to the person addressing you.

Replying with ‘Ajuwaya’

Another appropriate response to ‘Corper Shun’ is to reply with the term ‘Ajuwaya’. This term is a play on words, derived from the NYSC acronym and the Yoruba phrase for ‘I refuse to obey’.

By replying with ‘Ajuwaya’, you are indicating that you understand the command but choose not to obey it. This response is acceptable as long as it is done in a polite and respectful manner.

Explaining Your Refusal to Obey

In certain situations, it may be necessary to explain your refusal to obey the ‘Corper Shun’ command. This could be due to physical limitations, medical conditions, or cultural beliefs that prevent you from complying.

When explaining your refusal, it is essential to do so calmly and respectfully. Engage in a polite conversation with the person addressing you and explain your reasons clearly. By doing so, you can foster understanding and promote positive interactions within the NYSC community.

Greeting with ‘Corper Wee’

In addition to ‘Corper Shun’, you may also come across the greeting ‘Corper Wee’ during your time in the NYSC program. It is important to understand the interpretation and appropriate response to this phrase.

Interpretation of ‘Corper Wee’

When people greet you with ‘Corper Wee’, they are acknowledging and celebrating the fact that you are part of the NYSC community. ‘Wee’ is a local slang term that signifies a sense of belonging and togetherness. It is a way for the person greeting you to express solidarity and unity among corps members.

Appropriate Response: Saying ‘One’

The appropriate response to ‘Corper Wee’ is to say ‘one’ in acknowledgment. By responding with ‘one’, you are affirming the notion of unity and indicating that you are all interlinked as part of the NYSC program.

This response helps to foster a sense of inclusivity and camaraderie among corps members. It reinforces the idea that despite coming from different backgrounds and cultures, you are all united in your service to the nation.

Understanding the Term ‘Otondo’

Another term you may encounter during your time in the NYSC program is ‘Otondo’. It is essential to gain an understanding of its contextual meaning and how to handle being called this term.

Contextual Meaning within NYSC

In the context of NYSC, being called ‘Otondo’ does not necessarily carry a negative connotation. It is often used in a light-hearted and playful manner to refer to newcomers or those who are inexperienced in certain areas.

The term ‘Otondo’ can be seen as an initiation into the NYSC community, a way to acknowledge that you are new to the program and still learning the ropes. It is important to remember that this term is not meant to demean or insult but rather to create a sense of camaraderie and collective growth.

How to Handle Being Called ‘Otondo’

When you are called ‘Otondo’, it is best to take it in stride and embrace it as part of the NYSC experience. Smile and respond politely, showing that you are open to learning and willing to grow during your time in the program.

If you feel uncomfortable with being called ‘Otondo’, it is acceptable to express your preference politely. However, it is essential to remember that the term is commonly used within the NYSC community and is not intended to cause harm or offense.

Understand the Meaning Behind Corper Shun and How to Respond Appropriately

Engaging in Discussions or Inquiries

The NYSC program provides a platform for corps members to engage in discussions, ask questions, and contribute to the community. If you have any inquiries or wish to make a contribution, there are various ways to do so.

Utilizing the Comment Section

The comment section below the article or post is an ideal platform to engage in discussions and share your thoughts. It allows you to interact with other corps members, ask questions, and contribute your insights.

When participating in the comment section, it is important to maintain a respectful tone and be open to different perspectives. Remember that the comment section is a space for constructive dialogue and the exchange of ideas.

Asking Questions or Making Contributions

If you have specific questions or wish to make a contribution, you can approach your fellow corps members or program coordinators directly. They are often more than willing to provide guidance and support.

By actively participating in discussions and making meaningful contributions, you can enhance your NYSC experience and foster a sense of community within the program.

Promoting Understanding and Respect

As members of the NYSC community, it is essential to promote understanding and respect among fellow corps members and the wider society. Here are some ways to achieve this:

Educating Others about NYSC Terms

Take the initiative to educate others, especially those outside of the NYSC program, about the meaning behind terms like ‘Corper Shun’, ‘Corper Wee’, and ‘Otondo’. By providing context and promoting understanding, you can help dispel misconceptions and foster a more inclusive environment.

Avoiding Confrontations

It is important to avoid confrontations when faced with unfamiliar terms or situations. Instead of reacting defensively, approach such instances with an open mind and a willingness to learn. Engage in polite conversations and seek to understand the perspectives of others.

Encouraging Positive Interactions

Actively promote positive interactions within the NYSC community by being friendly, approachable, and inclusive. Engage in conversations, support your fellow corps members, and celebrate the diversity of cultures and experiences within the program. By doing so, you can create a welcoming and supportive environment for everyone involved.

Understand the Meaning Behind Corper Shun and How to Respond Appropriately

Implications of Incorrect Responses

Incorrect responses to NYSC terms can lead to misunderstandings, misconceptions, and a breakdown of communication. It is important to be mindful of the impact of our words and actions within the NYSC community.

Misunderstandings and Misconceptions

Incorrectly responding to terms like ‘Corper Shun’ or ‘Otondo’ can create misunderstandings and perpetuate misconceptions about the NYSC program. This can lead to a negative image of the program among the wider society and hinder the promotion of national unity.

Breaking Protocol and Etiquette

Failure to respond appropriately to NYSC terms can also break protocol and etiquette within the program. Remember that the NYSC program incorporates elements of military training, and adherence to established rules and regulations is crucial. By responding in the correct manner, you demonstrate discipline and a willingness to embrace the values of the program.

Embracing Diversity within NYSC

The NYSC program brings together young graduates from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. Embracing this diversity is essential to fostering an inclusive environment and promoting national unity.

Cultural Differences and Perspectives

Take the opportunity to learn from one another and embrace the cultural differences and perspectives within the NYSC community. By engaging in meaningful conversations and sharing experiences, you can broaden your horizons and develop a deeper understanding of Nigeria’s rich cultural heritage.

Promoting Inclusivity

Promote inclusivity by actively seeking out opportunities to collaborate with corps members from different backgrounds. Engage in cultural events, participate in community service projects together, and take the time to appreciate and celebrate the unique contributions that each individual brings to the NYSC community.

Understand the Meaning Behind Corper Shun and How to Respond Appropriately

Maintaining Professionalism during NYSC

Maintaining professionalism is essential during your time in the NYSC program. Here are some ways you can demonstrate discipline and respect:

Adhering to Rules and Regulations

Follow all rules and regulations set forth by the NYSC program. This includes punctuality, proper dress code, and participation in designated activities. By adhering to these guidelines, you demonstrate professionalism and respect for the program.

Demonstrating Discipline and Respect

Exhibit discipline and respect in your interactions with fellow corps members, program coordinators, and members of the wider society. Treat others with kindness, empathy, and understanding, and maintain a positive attitude even in challenging situations. By doing so, you contribute to a harmonious and productive environment.


In conclusion, understanding the meaning behind terms like ‘Corper Shun’, ‘Corper Wee’, and ‘Otondo’ is crucial for navigating the NYSC program effectively. By responding appropriately and engaging in positive interactions, we can foster a sense of unity, respect, and inclusivity within the NYSC community.

It is important to remember that the NYSC program provides a unique opportunity for cultural exchange, personal growth, and nation-building. By embracing diversity, promoting understanding, and maintaining professionalism, we can make the most of this experience and contribute to a brighter future for Nigeria.

Let us approach the NYSC program with an open mind and a willingness to learn from one another. Together, we can create a strong and united nation.

Understand the Meaning Behind Corper Shun and How to Respond Appropriately

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