Tag: term


What are Academic Standards? Definitions, Types and Examples

We've all heard about academic standards, but what exactly do they mean?…

What is Academic Standing? Definition, Types and Examples

Congratulations on setting your foot in the world of academia! There's no…

What is an Academic Staff? Definition, Types and Examples

In the grand tapestry of academia, various threads weave together to create…

What is Academic Probation? Definition, Causes and FAQs

Academic life can sometimes be a roller coaster, full of ups and…

Educational Terms

What is Academic Integrity? Definition, Fundamentals and Roles

Academic integrity. Two words that carry a lot of weight, especially in…

Educational Terms

What is Academic Governance? Definition, Roles and FAQs

In this dynamic world, where paradigms shift quickly, the realms of academia…

Educational Terms

What is TOEFL? Definition, Types and Eligibility Requirements

TOEFL exam is a critical step for many non-native English speakers seeking…


What is Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)?

Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), is your key to opening the…

What is IELTS? Definition, Types and How it Works

In the grand scheme of things, understanding "what is IELTS" is a…

Educational Terms Exam IELTS

What is Academic Credit? Definition, Types and How it works.

understanding academic credit is essential in higher education. It measures your academic…

Educational Terms