20 Unwritten Rules of The Talking stage

By Queen Elle
19 Min Read

The “talking stage” is an exciting and often crucial phase in the journey of a budding relationship.

It’s the time when two people are getting to know each other, exploring their compatibility, and determining if there’s potential for something more serious.


During this stage, conversations are key as they help build a foundation of trust and understanding.

It’s a period filled with anticipation, as both individuals navigate their feelings and expectations, setting the stage for either a deeper connection or a friendly parting of ways.

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What is the talking stage?

The Talking stage

The “talking stage” is the initial phase in a developing relationship where two people are getting to know each other beyond just a casual friendship.

During this time, they engage in frequent conversations to explore their compatibility and mutual interests.

It’s characterized by building a deeper connection through meaningful interactions, while gauging whether there’s potential for a romantic relationship.

This stage is crucial for determining if the relationship should progress to dating or remain as just friends.

What is the point of the talking stage?

The whole point of the talking stage is to establish a foundation for a potential romantic relationship by getting to know each other on a deeper level.

It’s a time for both individuals to explore their compatibility, understand each other’s values and interests, and assess whether there’s a genuine connection.

This stage helps in determining if the relationship has the potential to move forward into dating, while also allowing both parties to decide if they want to pursue something more serious or remain friends.

The Expectations of the talking stage

The talking stage is pivotal for gauging compatibility and building a connection before committing to a deeper relationship.

During this phase, both individuals should focus on honest communication, mutual interests, and understanding each other’s values and goals. It’s a time to explore how well you click and whether your expectations align.

Clear and open conversations are essential to set the groundwork for a potential relationship. Below are some of the expectations of the talking stage.

1. Be clear with your communication

Have open conversations and really get to know each other. Share your thoughts and feelings to see if you’re both vibing on the same level.

Sometimes, one person might catch stronger feelings than the other, so it’s important to figure out where you both stand early on.

2. Have healthy boundaries

Sometimes, the timing just isn’t right for a relationship, and that’s okay—figuring that out is what the talking stage is all about! But even if things don’t progress, respect is non-negotiable.

Setting clear boundaries ensures that everyone’s on the same page and avoids any confusion down the road.

3. Match their level of interest

If the person you’re talking to isn’t showing as much interest as you’d like, it’s important to match their energy.

Otherwise, you might come off as too eager or clingy. Keep things light and easygoing. Don’t invest too much time in someone who doesn’t seem as invested as you are!

4. Don’t think about the future too much

Focus on enjoying the present moment and having fun in the talking stage.

There’s no need to rush into planning your future together or imagining life far ahead—that’s like putting the cart way before the horse! Just let things unfold naturally.

What happens in the talking stage?

The talking stage is a crucial phase in the development of a potential romantic relationship, occurring before both parties decide to officially commit.

During this period, individuals engage in regular conversations to explore each other’s personalities, interests, and values, helping to assess compatibility.

This stage often involves a mix of texting, phone calls, and casual meetups, where both people share personal stories, discuss their goals, and gauge their emotional and intellectual connection.

It’s also a time to set boundaries and expectations, clarifying what each person wants from the relationship.

While it’s informal, the talking stage is essential for understanding how well you click, how your lifestyles align, and whether there is mutual attraction and respect.

It allows both individuals to determine if they see potential for a deeper connection or if they are better suited as friends. Overall, this stage is about building a foundation and making informed decisions about whether to move forward into a more committed relationship.

Advantages of the talking stage

1. It’s good for people with avoidant attachment personalities

People with avoidant attachment styles often struggle with emotional closeness and tend to steer clear of it.

The talking stage, especially through phones, creates a natural buffer that allows them to maintain their emotional distance more comfortably.

2. You can slow things down

If someone’s just come out of a breakup and isn’t quite ready for a full-on relationship, the talking stage is a great way to ease back into dating.

It’s a low-pressure way to put yourself out there without taking big risks.

3. You can set boundaries

As mentioned earlier, the talking stage is a perfect time to set your own boundaries.

For instance, if one person suggests sexting, you have the choice to say yes or no. It’s a space where both people can explore their comfort zones and figure out where those boundaries lie.

4. You can get to know each other

The great thing about the talking stage is that you get to know someone before deciding to date them.

It’s a chance to see if you’re compatible, and if not, there’s no need for a breakup—just a smooth exit without the drama!

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Disadvantages of the talking stage

1. You could be talking to a player

You can’t truly know someone until you’ve spent more time with them, so in the beginning, you won’t know if the person you’re talking to is playing the field.

They might be chatting with others while talking to you, and it’s hard to tell if they’re being completely genuine early on.

2. There are a lot of uncertainties

The talking stage can be full of grey areas, leaving you with plenty of uncertainties.

Does the other person like you back, or are they just passing time? Will things move forward or stay the same? If you don’t clear up these questions, it can start to feel like you’re stuck in limbo.

3. It could be a waste of time

For some, the talking stage can drag on longer than expected. You might be ready to move forward, but the other person could be hesitating.

This can feel like a waste of time, especially if one person is using the talking stage to boost their ego instead of genuinely progressing to a more meaningful connection.

Rules of The Talking stage

The talking stage is a delicate time in the development of a relationship, guided by a few unwritten rules that help navigate this phase smoothly.

It’s crucial to maintain open and honest communication, avoiding misunderstandings by being clear about your intentions and expectations.

Respect each other’s time and space, and don’t rush into labeling the relationship too quickly.

Balancing interest with independence helps prevent unnecessary pressure and allows both individuals to explore their compatibility naturally. Below are some of the rules of the talking stage.

1. Set boundaries

Setting boundaries early in the talking stage is key to creating a healthy dynamic in any new relationship.

By clearly defining your comfort levels around things like communication, personal space, and emotional investment, both people can feel respected and understood.

Talking about these boundaries upfront encourages mutual respect and helps avoid misunderstandings.

With clear limits in place, you can explore your connection without added pressure, making it easier to build a strong and respectful foundation for the future.

2. Make your intentions explicit

Being clear about your intentions during the talking stage is important to avoid confusion and make sure you’re both on the same page.

Whether you’re after a serious relationship, casual dating, or just exploring potential, communicating your goals upfront sets the right expectations and helps prevent misunderstandings.

Sharing your desires openly fosters honest conversations, which are key to building a real connection.

This kind of transparency helps both of you align your expectations and builds a solid foundation of trust and understanding from the start.

3. Keep it light

Keeping things light during the talking stage is key to creating a fun and easygoing vibe as you get to know each other.

Stick to casual conversations and shared interests without jumping into heavy topics too soon.

This approach helps build a natural connection while keeping things stress-free.

By keeping it playful and relaxed, you give both of you space to explore your connection in a way that feels comfortable, encouraging genuine bonding and mutual interest.

4. Be yourself and honest

Being yourself and staying honest during the talking stage is key to building a real connection in any romantic relationship.

Authenticity lets both of you get to know each other without any pretense.

By being upfront about your interests, values, and intentions, you foster trust and ensure you’re connecting based on genuine compatibility.

When you show your true self, you lay the groundwork for a meaningful relationship where both of you can connect honestly and personally from the start.

5. Flirt and hint that you want more

During the talking stage, subtle flirting and dropping hints about wanting more can help gauge mutual interest and move the relationship forward naturally.

Playful teasing, light compliments, and showing excitement about spending time together signal your romantic interest without coming on too strong.

These little gestures can spark a deeper connection and open the door for more serious conversations later on.

By gently showing you’re interested in something beyond friendship, you create space for both of you to explore the potential for a more committed relationship.

6. Take things slowly

Taking it slow during the talking stage is key to building a strong, lasting connection in a new relationship.

This approach gives you both the chance to get to know each other gradually without rushing into commitment.

By pacing things and letting the relationship unfold naturally, you create room for real feelings to develop while avoiding misunderstandings or feeling overwhelmed.

This steady progression helps lay a foundation of trust and compatibility, so when you do move forward, it’s with a deeper, more authentic connection.

7. Talk about expectations, goals, and exclusivity

During the talking stage of a romantic relationship, it’s important to discuss expectations, goals, and exclusivity to make sure you’re both on the same page.

Clearly sharing what you each want for the future—whether it’s relationship goals or how exclusive you want to be—helps avoid misunderstandings and sets a strong foundation for deeper commitment.

Having these conversations early on allows you to address any concerns, align priorities, and create a shared understanding that can guide the relationship toward a more defined and harmonious path.

8. Respect each other

Respecting each other during the talking stage is key to building a solid foundation in a new romantic relationship.

It means appreciating each other’s opinions, boundaries, and time while keeping communication open and honest.

By showing respect, you create a positive space where both of you feel heard and valued.

This mutual respect builds trust and ensures the relationship develops in a healthy, thoughtful way, setting the stage for deeper connections and understanding as things move forward.

9. Avoid having unrealistic expectations

Avoiding unrealistic expectations during the talking stage is essential for nurturing a genuine and healthy connection.

Coming in with overly idealized views can lead to disappointment and added pressure.

Instead, focus on getting to know each other at a comfortable pace and appreciate the relationship for what it is right now. Remember that both of you are still figuring out compatibility and may have different timelines and desires.

By keeping expectations realistic, you create a more authentic and relaxed atmosphere, allowing the relationship to develop naturally while steering clear of unnecessary stress or misunderstandings.

10. Don’t be afraid to talk about your feelings when needed

In the talking stage of a romantic relationship, it’s important to be open about your feelings when needed. Sharing your emotions and thoughts helps establish trust and understanding, ensuring that both partners are on the same page and aware of each other’s perspectives.

Addressing feelings and concerns openly can prevent misunderstandings and deepen your connection, leading to a more genuine and meaningful relationship.

By promoting honest communication, you create a supportive space where both of you feel comfortable being your true selves.

How to get past the talking stage

Transitioning from the talking stage to a committed relationship requires intentional effort and thoughtful communication.

This phase, often characterized by casual conversations and getting to know each other, serves as a foundation but needs careful nurturing to evolve into something more serious.

Start by having clear and honest discussions about your relationship goals and expectations. Both partners should express their intentions regarding exclusivity and long-term prospects to ensure alignment and avoid misunderstandings.

As you build a deeper connection, focus on creating shared experiences that foster intimacy, such as engaging in meaningful activities or having in-depth conversations about personal values and future plans.

This helps in understanding each other’s life goals and compatibility beyond surface-level interactions.

Additionally, addressing any concerns or doubts openly and constructively is crucial. If issues arise, approach them with empathy and clarity to find common ground and solutions, rather than letting them fester.

Gradually, introduce conversations about defining your relationship status and the steps toward a more committed phase.

This can include discussions on how you both envision the future together and how to integrate each other into your lives more fully.

Be patient and avoid rushing the process, as genuine connections take time to develop. Maintain a balance between showing interest and giving each other space to grow.

Respect each other’s pace and comfort levels while consistently demonstrating commitment through actions.

By fostering a supportive and communicative environment, you create a solid foundation that can help move the relationship from the talking stage to a more defined and serious commitment, leading to a deeper, more meaningful partnership.


The rules of the talking stage emphasize the importance of clear communication, mutual respect, and honesty.

This phase is about exploring compatibility without the pressure of commitment, allowing both individuals to get to know each other better.

Setting boundaries, managing expectations, and staying open to genuine conversations can help avoid misunderstandings and foster a healthy connection.

Ultimately, by following these guidelines, the talking stage can be a smooth, enjoyable experience that lays the foundation for a potential relationship.

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