Educational Terms

Our “Educational Terms Dictionary” provides easy-to-understand definitions of big words used in education to make learning fun.

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What is Academic Governance? Definition, Roles and FAQs

In this dynamic world, where paradigms shift quickly, the realms of academia have consistently remained a significant area of interest.…

Educational Terms

What is Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS)?

Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS), is your key to opening the door of opportunity for higher education in the…

What is IELTS? Definition, Types and How it Works

In the grand scheme of things, understanding "what is IELTS" is a small but significant step towards achieving your global…

Educational Terms Exam IELTS

What is Academic Credit? Definition, Types and How it works.

understanding academic credit is essential in higher education. It measures your academic work progress toward your degree & future opportunities.

Educational Terms

What is an Academic Calendar? Components, Benefits & FAQs

By understanding the definition and significance of academic calendars, students can navigate their educational journey more efficiently.

Educational Terms

What is Acceptance Fee? Definition, Types and Examples

Acceptance Fee - Are you puzzled by the term and its implications? Look no further! In this article, we will…

Educational Terms