Educational Terms

Our “Educational Terms Dictionary” provides easy-to-understand definitions of big words used in education to make learning fun.

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What is Academic Suspension? A Comprehensive Guide

Education, an essential aspect of our lives, comes with its set of challenges and obstacles. One of such challenges that…

What are Academic Standards? Definitions, Types and Examples

We've all heard about academic standards, but what exactly do they mean? In the realm of education, academic standards play…

What is Academic Standing? Definition, Types and Examples

Congratulations on setting your foot in the world of academia! There's no doubt that it can feel like being lost…

What is an Academic Staff? Definition, Types and Examples

In the grand tapestry of academia, various threads weave together to create the picture of educational excellence we see in…

What is Academic Probation? Definition, Causes and FAQs

Academic life can sometimes be a roller coaster, full of ups and downs. One hurdle that some students face is…

Educational Terms

What is Academic Integrity? Definition, Fundamentals and Roles

Academic integrity. Two words that carry a lot of weight, especially in educational circles. But what does it mean exactly?…

Educational Terms