Which Shawarma Spot is the Best around DELSU, Abraka?
This goes out to all students of Delsu! It is Shawarma Wars time! Whether you are going to or coming from a class or just want a little bit of late-night snacking, shawarma is definitely on the list.
But with so many places in Abraka dishing out those delicious wraps, the question is: which one is the king?
Is it the crunchy, spicy one from the joint by the main gate? Or the juicy, tender shawarma on campus that you can’t resist?
Time to settle it once and for all. We have put up a poll so you can vote for the shawarma joint that deserves the crown!
So, which place serves the best shawarma in your opinion to satisfy your craving and make you come back for more? Vote now and see who wears the crown in Delsu’s Shawarma Showdown!
Best Shawarma Vendor in Abraka
Vote for the best shawarma spot in Delsu, and let’s crown the ultimate wrap champion!
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