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Toxic Masculinity: 16 Masculine Traits Women Hate About Men

Relationship Rescue

Toxic Masculinity: 16 Masculine Traits Women Hate About Men

Toxic masculinity refers to a set of societal expectations and behaviors associated with traditional masculinity that can be harmful to both men and women.

It perpetuates rigid gender roles, emphasizing aggression, dominance, and emotional suppression while stigmatizing traits like vulnerability, empathy, and sensitivity.

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Toxic masculinity often manifests in harmful behaviors such as aggression, sexism, homophobia, and the objectification of women. It can lead to negative consequences such as violence, mental health issues, and strained interpersonal relationships.

Addressing toxic masculinity involves promoting healthy expressions of masculinity that value equality, emotional well-being, and respect for all genders. It requires dismantling harmful stereotypes and encouraging men to embrace a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of themselves and others.

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What is Masculinity?

Masculinity, a multifaceted concept deeply ingrained in societies around the world, encompasses a range of traits, behaviors, and expectations associated with being a man.

It is a social construct that shapes men’s identities, roles, and interactions, influencing everything from personal relationships to professional pursuits.

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However, the meaning and expression of masculinity have evolved over time, challenging traditional notions and prompting critical discussions about its impact on individuals and communities.

Exploring the complexities of masculinity unveils a rich tapestry of cultural, psychological, and social dynamics, highlighting the need for a nuanced understanding of this topic in the modern era.

Traits of Toxic Masculinity

Toxic masculinity refers to a set of harmful behaviors and beliefs associated with traditional gender roles and societal expectations placed on men. Some key traits of toxic masculinity include aggression, dominance, emotional suppression, and rigid adherence to traditional gender norms.

Toxic masculinity often promotes violence as a means of asserting power, discourages men from expressing vulnerability or seeking help, and perpetuates harmful stereotypes about masculinity.

It can negatively impact men’s mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Recognizing and challenging these traits is crucial for fostering healthier notions of masculinity and promoting gender equality.

1. He is Abusive

Within the tapestry of societal expectations, an arduous path lies before boys and young men, beseeching them to embody the essence of “manhood” in the scrutinizing gaze of the world. However, when a man lacks a nourishing wellspring of virtuous masculine role models, the true nature of masculinity becomes an elusive enigma.

In this bewildering quest for self-identity, insecurities intertwine with frustrations, birthing tempestuous storms that may manifest as explosive outbursts and the dire shadow of abusive conduct.

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2. He has an obsessively unhealthy need for control

In the realm of personal insecurities, individuals often resort to manipulating their surroundings and the people within them in an earnest attempt to regain a sense of control.

Behold, for control unfurls a vibrant crimson banner that warns of potential turmoil, regardless of one’s gender. It hints at the existence of profound, lingering conflicts within the confines of their being.

While the concept of masculinity may fluctuate across diverse cultures, the notions of gender equality and mutual reverence now stand as widely embraced constituents of our societal fabric.

3. He is unsupportive

Within the realm of cinema, we often encounter characters labeled as “cool,” who appear unconcerned with the presence of others. They may casually acknowledge conversations with a nod and nonchalantly utter phrases like “oh, cool,” all the while engrossed in their digital device, yet their true engagement is lacking.

Such behavior fails to depict genuine coolness; instead, it reflects an attitude of apathy and self-centeredness. This portrayal embodies toxic masculinity, where the character exemplifies traits detrimental to healthy relationships and societal norms.

4. He has an unhealthy need to exert dominance

Amidst the churning tides of self-doubt, an individual’s struggle to find solace in their own skin can cast a shadow over the realms where respect should thrive.

This disquiet may compel them to assert dominance over their beloved, driven by an unquenchable thirst to establish a sense of power. While a subtle imbalance in dominance between partners is not uncommon, a boundary exists.

Yet, this dominion, when unchecked, metamorphoses into an insidious grip of control, unfurling the crimson banner of toxic masculinity.

5. He’s Confrontational

Expressing one’s perspective in times of discord is a perfectly natural act. It is a common practice for us all. Frequently, such concerns are successfully addressed and resolved.

However, when one adopts a confrontational stance, they assert their authority through an aggressive demeanor, indicating their underlying insecurity.

6. He’s over Competitive

A touch of competitiveness resides within each of us, ingrained in the very fabric of our society. Our world is constructed to foster a culture of striving for excellence, albeit with the definition of “the top” remaining subjective.

Yet, there exists a threshold where wholesome competition transmutes into an all-consuming fixation.

This shift towards obsession can be traced back to insecurities and the conviction that one’s worth is contingent upon achieving absolute victory.

A man exhibiting an intensely competitive disposition unveils a manifestation of toxic masculinity, where dominance and supremacy are glorified over cooperation and healthy collaboration.

7. He pushes himself physically to unhealthy limits

In the realm of toxic masculinity, one may observe a man engaged in relentless competition with his peers at the gym, relentlessly driving himself to the brink of injury.

It’s as if an insurmountable goal has been set, one that must be achieved at all costs. This behavior isn’t confined solely to the gym but extends to any setting where physical prowess must be demonstrated.

Regrettably, such behavior serves only to nourish the ego, which, as we are well aware, stands as yet another indicator of toxic masculinity.

8. He’s aggressive

Navigating this concept presents a challenge. In many instances, individuals resort to aggression as a compensatory mechanism for their perceived shortcomings or deficiencies.

Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that aggression merely serves as an alternative approach to impose one’s own viewpoint onto others. It embodies a toxic manifestation of dominance, entailing harmful consequences.

9. He’s egotistical

Within each of us, there resides an ego—a facet of our being that can wield positive influence. However, when left unchecked, this ego can detach us from reality and engender an inflated sense of self-importance.

An emblem of toxic masculinity emerges when an individual’s ego surpasses the proportions of everyone else present. They firmly embrace the belief that they are unrivaled, and they actively strive to ensure that this perception is shared by others.

If anyone dares to question or challenge their self-proclaimed superiority, they may resort to aggression as a defensive response.

10. He has a high sense of vanity

Vanity, rightfully categorized as one of the deadly sins, holds its place for valid reasons. Self-love and confidence, when rooted in stability and empowerment, serve as commendable attributes. However, vanity stems from insecurity and lacks the authenticity that accompanies genuine self-assurance.

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11. He refuses to ask for help

Within the realm of this so-called masculine conduct lies an element of pride. An individual displaying toxic masculinity will adamantly resist seeking assistance, despite being aware of their need for it. Society has ingrained in their minds the notion that seeking help equates to weakness.

However, that perception couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, the act of reaching out for support stands as one of the most formidable displays of strength one can exhibit.

12. He’s homophobic

The expression of homophobia by men is a significant component of toxic masculinity. All of this arises from the fact that they are unable to accept themselves as they are and that their thought processes are still rooted in the medieval era.

They operate under the presumption that guys need to be men in the old-fashioned sense.

They will react negatively to anything that, in their minds, deviates from the conventional and antiquated ideal of what a man should be.

Those who exclusively believe in the gender binary and patriarchal gender norms have a negative perception of the gender and sexual orientation of other males if it does not conform to their own gender ideology.

13. He resorts to aggression or violence

When we look back at different historical periods, society tells us that in order for men to be considered powerful, they should settle disagreements with their fists.

According to the findings of many pieces of research, many males are exposed to acts of violence as they grow up and continue to be so even now.

If anything, today’s culture reinforces the idea that males should be rough and hostile as part of their traditional “masculine” roles. This position is complete and utter nonsense.

On the other hand, a man who exhibits characteristics of toxic masculinity is unable to sit down and have a conversation about how he is feeling. As a result, he will try to address the majority of his problems by resorting to violence and aggression.

14. He’s promiscuous

We have all had prior experience with this. Even when they engage in immoral behavior, guys are hailed as heroes.

Girls can do it, and it’s not hard for them. This antiquated conception of masculinity is so far off from reality that it’s almost laughable.

A man exhibits toxic masculinity when he continues to believe that this concept of masculinity is accurate. It’s possible that he believes he’s the king, but from all appearances, he’s just another player that should be avoided.

15. He’s misogynistic and sexist

A man who defaults to misogyny or sexism is stuck in the mindsets of the past, just as someone who is homophobic, as we have discussed previously. They believe that the male gender is superior to the female gender and that the female gender exists to serve the males.

They don’t appear to understand that several centuries have passed and that we’ve matured as a society and come to our senses.

16. He’s extremely stoic

Even more outmoded ways of thinking! A man is being stoic and toxic when he believes that they shouldn’t express even the slightest bit of emotion since doing so would suggest that they’re not a man.

In today’s society, particularly in the west, the building of gender stereotypes has led to the establishment of ridiculous expectations for men. One of these is that they provide no indication that they are feeling anything.

As a consequence of this, young men may repress their feelings in an effort to live up to stereotypical notions of masculinity.

Everyone, including guys, has feelings, and these feelings are just as legitimate as the feelings experienced by everyone else. Instead than bottling up your emotions and trying to ignore them, it’s more manly to sit down and talk about them.


In conclusion, masculinity is a complex and dynamic topic that continues to captivate scholars, activists, and individuals alike.

As societal attitudes and expectations shift, the traditional constructs of masculinity are being examined and redefined. It is essential to recognize that masculinity is not a monolithic concept, but rather a diverse and evolving spectrum that allows for a range of expressions and experiences.

By fostering open dialogue, promoting gender equality, and challenging harmful stereotypes, we can create a society that celebrates the authentic and diverse expressions of masculinity while embracing the humanity and individuality of every person, regardless of their gender identity.

Embracing a more inclusive and compassionate understanding of masculinity is a crucial step towards creating a world where everyone can thrive and be their true selves.

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