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10 Solid Reasons You Should STAY AWAY From Your Ex

Relationship Rescue

10 Solid Reasons You Should STAY AWAY From Your Ex

Staying away from an ex partner
can be a difficult decision to make,
but sometimes it is a necessity for
personal growth and healing.

Staying away from an ex partner can be a difficult decision to make, but sometimes it is a necessity for personal growth and healing.

Whether the relationship ended on mutual terms or in a more tumultuous manner, distancing yourself from someone you were once in romantic relations with to can be emotionally challenging.

There are many reasons why staying away from your ex is the healthiest option for you, as it allows for time and space to reflect on the relationship, move on from any lingering feelings, and ultimately create a new sense of identity separate from the past relationship.

In this article, we will explore some of the reasons for staying away from an ex partner and provide tips on how to successfully navigate this process.


1. Respect Boundaries

Creating boundaries is an important step in keeping away from your Ex.

As the relationship is in the past, it is important to create boundaries in order to regain a sense  of control in your life.

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When you start a new romantic relationship, these boundaries will help you navigate any relationship you may have with your Ex – if you have children together – as respecting the boundary to keep your present relationship going, without worry of your ex interfering.


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2. Respect Yourself

The first way to start respecting yourself, is to stop communication with your Ex. If you have children with your Ex, try to limit as much physical communication as possible.

If you haven’t moved on and  your Ex has, you’ll disrespect yourself if you keep communication with them or going after them with romantic intentions, and ultimately you will get hurt.

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3. It’s Not Healthy

After a breakup, if you keep contacting your Ex or mingling with them, you won’t heal fast. Staying away from them helps you heal faster. Cutting communication gives you the space needed to move on.


4. You May Lose Your Current Relationship

Holding on to your Ex is a poor choice because your spouse may tire of it and quit  your relationship. You may lose someone who will adore you and offer you all the affection  you deserve.


5. Let Your Past Remain In The Past

You cannot undo what has been done. The relationship has ended. Stop asking why?. You cannot go back and change decisions or mistakes that have been made, either on your part on theirs.


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SEE ALSO: How To Move On After A Toxic Relationship


6. You Can Move On Peacefully

One important secret: staying away will speed up your progress. 
Just stay away from what’s hurting you, and you’ll grow faster than you thought.


7. You Need Time

You need time to cry and grieve what has been lost. you need time to think, and reflect, and build yourself back up. You need time and space to figure your life out. It’s okay to be vulnerable, it’s okay to feel hurt, or betrayed, or even to realize that you are finally free of that person.
Don’t try to rush the process. Take as much as you need to get better.


8. Keeping Away Can Help You Win Them Back

If you still want them back, you need to give them space, give them 100% space, and  keep away from them. They need time to analyze everything to determine if they love you  or not. If they don’t want you back, forget about it and move on. Life goes on, relationships  go on, and people will always live their lives no matter what happened.


9. It Saves You From Abuse And Over-Expectations

Imagine going out of your way to impress her, going to any lengths to get a person back,  fooling yourself, begging, and still having them not love you the way you want to be loved or  accept you. Now multiply that experience by two, and you have an idea of what you’re in  store for if you don’t start moving on.


10. Stop Torturing Yourself

Stop being so hard on yourself, limiting your potential and sowing seeds of doubt in your  relationship. 
Don’t do to another what you wouldn’t want done to yourself; when you keep loving someone  who doesn’t love you, when you keep on fighting for someone who isn’t going to fight for you,  when you keep on trying to get hold of your past, you’ll only end up generating more problems  for yourself.


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